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For the opening ceremony the school wanted a Yabusame. The kyudo team and I all got into our costumes of old Samurai armor and clothing. We were then escorted by staff to where the horses were.

Only two of us were selected to shoot the arrows, the others were selected to help with the ceremony. 

I mounted the black thoroughbred I would be riding. One of my teammates made sure that my quiver was secure and that everything was in it's place.

I could hear the buzz of students and parents as they gathered in the stands on either side of the track.

One of the officials rose a multicolored fan, giving the first rider the signal to start. 

Kazuki, the first rider, took off on his brown Arabian and proceeded to hit two out of three targets. 

My horse was led to the gate while my team members replaced the targets.

Once I saw the fan, my horse took off at a full gallop. I grabbed an arrow and readied it on top of my Yugake and in-between my fingers.  I raised the bow and arrow high, before quickly drawing my arrow and letting it go, the string of the bow snapping and the arrow whistling through the air as it pierced it's target, the wood breaking and falling from it's pedestal. 

Still galloping, I quickly grabbed another arrow and raised my bow, firing quickly and piercing the second target.

Getting nervous, I grabbed the last arrow and raised my bow, the arrow resting on my glove and between my fingers.

I took a deep breath and fired the final arrow. 

The crowd erupted in cheers when it pierced it's final target. My teammates stood at the end of the track waving their arms so my horse would slow down. I reached down with my shooting hand and gently pulled on the reins made out of fabric, making the horses lift his head and slow down.

Once the ceremony ended I was whisked away and forced to change into a black button up, black slacks, a white waist coat with a red ribbon bowtie.

"Does it look okay?" I asked Takashi, having finished tying the ribbon.

He smiled with a soft scoff and redid, resulting in a defeated sigh from me.

"All done," Takashi smile, kissing my forehead.

"I love you," I blurted, catching Takashi off guard.

I stared in shock, surprised that I said it out loud.

"We're going to be late! Let's go!" Honey chimed, interrupting whatever Takashi was about to say. Honey dragged Takashi and I out to where everyone else was in the salon.

"Ru, you did so well at your ceremony! You looked so cool!" Mitsukuni gushed. 

"Aw, thanks, I was really nervous. Riding full speed on a horse and trying to shoot an arrow is really hard," I smiled.

"Ru, that truly was amazing, I didn't know you did archery," I heard my step father say from behind me.

"Dad, I thought you were staying home with mom?" I said in surprise as I turned around and gave him a hug.

"Well, she wanted me to take pictures for her, given that she couldn't be here," He smiled.

"Aw, that's sweet. Would you like anything to drink?" I asked.

"No, that's quite alright. I'm going to go speak with some old friends so you can get back to work," Yuzuha grinned, patting my shoulder.

I smiled and did as I was told, going back to mingling and passing out refreshments.

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