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After I got my stitches, I wasn't allowed to do archery until I was healed. Instead of going to archery like I normally did I decided to go to the music room early.

I let out a pained grunt when I felt someone latch onto me from behind. "Hey Ru-Senpai, long time no see!" Hikaru greeted.

"Hey," I replied, gently shrugging him off.

"Is something wrong?" Kaoru asked worriedly.

"I fell into a glass table so I had to get stitches. I'm still a little sore," I fibbed.

"Ouch, that sounds like it hurt," Hikaru commented. I only nodded. 

I did a double-take, not noticing the dyed hair at first. "Kaoru, why are you blue?" I interrogated.

"Oh, we're late for a photo shoot! See you Ru-Senpai!" The twins chimed before running off.

Once I entered the music room, Honey attached himself to my waist.

"I missed you so much Ru! I thought something bad happened to you!" Honey cried.

I hesitantly patted his shoulder. "Don't worry Haninozuka-San, I'm not going anywhere," I reassured him awkwardly. I was slightly shocked at how quickly he got attached to me.

"My precious son!" Tamaki gasped, running at me. He leaped to give me a hug but I sidestepped him, Honey still attached to me. I flinched as Tamaki crashed into the floor and laid there in a daze.

"When did you cut your hair?" Haruhi gasped.

"I got it cut after I got out of the hospital, just so it was easier to manage," I lied.

I couldn't help but glance at Kyoya who kept staring at me. "Do you need something Kyoya?" I questioned.

"Could you come to the back room with me? I want to make sure your incisions are healing okay," He stated. I only nodded and followed him to the storage room where he had me sit down. I took off my blazer and unbuttoned my shirt before I slid it off of my shoulders.

"Whatever restrictions your doctors gave you, I'd lessen them," He started, sounding slightly irritable. 

"What? Why?" I questioned, turning my head to look at him slightly.

"The incision on your tricep is on the verge of reopening. You should also be putting on some vitamin e ointment so it doesn't scar. You would think given your new circumstances you'd see an actual doctor," He said sarcastically.

"I like my doctor," I mumbled with a slight huff.

I put my shirt back on and went back into the club room. It was then that I learned that the reason for the twins' dyed hair was due to a quarrel. Although, when I spoke with them earlier it seemed quite the opposite. Maybe they were planning something?

A loud trilling interrupted my thoughts. I quickly dismissed myself and went out into the hall to answer my phone.

"Han, Ru," I answered.

"Ru, we just got done in court," My mother started, her voice shaking. "Your father came to an agreement with the judge and they agreed that he could get you every other week," My mother choked.

"What? How?" I questioned in shock.

"They said that it wasn't enough evidence for a conviction. They also said with my background that I was lucky to even get primary custody. And, your father knows the judge. It was the best we could do," My mom quivered.

I let out a deep sigh. "It'll be okay, mom," I reassured her.

"Okay," She breathed.

"Anyway, I have to get back to the club. I love you," I said.

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