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I stood tiredly in front of the entrance of the mall, not getting the luxury of sleeping in on the last day of summer vacation.

"You look like you just rolled out of bed, I thought I told you to get dressed," Haruhi laughed when she met up with me.

"I did just roll out of bed," I said groggily, rubbing my eyes. My hair was up in a half pony-tail, and I was wearing my old maroon hoodie with a t-shirt and shorts.

"Your shoe is untied," Haruhi chuckled.

"Can you tie it?" I whined.

Haruhi rolled her eyes and squatted down, tying my shoe.

"I love you," I said gratefully.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Haruhi scoffed, hooking her arm with mine and dragging me inside.

I let out a sigh when my phone started to buzz in my pocket. Haruhi stopped so I could answer it.

I flipped my phone open and put it to my ear.

"Han, Ru," I answered.

"Ru, you went to the expo with Haruhi, right?" My Step Father asked, catching me off guard, for he never usually called me.

"Yeah, why?" I said, getting over my initial shock.

"I transferred eight-hundred-k over so that you and Haruhi can buy whatever you want. Have fun!" He chimed, not giving me a chance to respond before he hung up.

"Eight, what?" I stammered, looking at my phone in shock.

"What?" Haruhi inquired.

"Let's just say my Step-Dad decided to fund our trip to the mall today," I explained vaguely.

"Oh," Haruhi replied.

I jumped when Haruhi suddenly grabbed my arm and tugged on it, before pointing ahead of us discreetly.

"Doesn't that look like Kyoya-Senpai?" She questioned.

I looked over to see a young man who indeed looked very similar to Kyoya. Although, this man was in a notoriously cheap mall.

"Are you sure? I don't think this is the kind of thing Kyoya would go to," I reasoned.

"He would if he went with Tamaki, but I don't see him. He does look rather disoriented," Haruhi murmured.

"Let's turn and walk away before he sees us," I stated, letting out a yelp when Haruhi hit me in return.

Haruhi rolled her eyes and dragged me along.

"Kyoya-Senpai?" She called out hesitantly.

My hopes for a good day were crushed when he turned, surprised to see us.

Kyoya paused for a second before a spoke. 

"How much money do you have on you, Haruhi?" He asked.

"What?" Haruhi questioned, sounding slightly shocked at the sudden question.

I discreetly handed Haruhi my wallet and went to go grab a table while she went to help Kyoya order food. 

Poor guy was probably dragged out of his bed this morning too.

I jumped when Kyoya sat down in his seat and Haruhi appeared beside me with the food.

"Kyoya-Senpai, just because you're in a bad mood today, doesn't give you the right to go around talking to people like that. The poor girl was just doing her job," Haruhi lectured, sounding more shocked to see this side of Kyoya.

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