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"Haruhi, why are you dragging me with you? I really don't want to go," I huffed as I dug my heels into the floor.

"Because! You promised me we would walk home together!" She explained, pushing me through the doors.

"Hikaru, Kaoru! What have I told you about running? Be careful!" The Host Club's King shouted just as one of them sprinted past me. The other one chased after his brother, bumping into me, and causing me to lose my balance.

I was expecting a harsh landing but looked up to see the same onyx eyes I met in the hallway. "Thanks," Was all I could manage to say.

He stood me back up and patted my shoulder. "No problem," He said, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine. Haruhi gave me a curious look.

"Haru-Chan! Who's this?" Honey-Senpai chirped.

"This is my friend and neighbor Han, Ru," Haruhi introduced.

I gave a shy smile and a subtle bow.

"Hey! Aren't you that kid that always hangs out with that one group of commoners that always vandalizes Ouran's property?" One of the twins piped up, his brother hanging off of him.

Suddenly all eyes were on me. I cleared my throat awkwardly. "No, I don't actually hang out with them. I'm not exactly there by choice," I explained hesitantly. 

"It's not any of your business anyway, Hikaru," Haruhi shot at him.

"Han, Ru. His father, Han, Bao, immigrated from China and married a Japanese woman, Sato, Naomi, before starting up a local electronic company. According to his file, Ru has a clean record. He has never been arrested, detained, or caught doing anything disorderly or against the law. He is here on a scholarship for academics and archery. He enrolled at Ouran at the beginning of the year," A boy with dark hair and glasses suddenly mentioned. My throat suddenly tightened and my heart rate picked up.

They were all staring at me expectantly. 

"So... He's a good boy, right?" Honey asked.

"So far," The boy with the glasses responded.

I was not comfortable with these people knowing this information about me. "I'm sorry Haruhi, but I'm not comfortable here. I'll wait for you outside," I said softly, before turning on my heel and swiftly escaping anymore of that conversation. 

"Thanks a lot guys," I heard Haruhi gripe.

I heard Tamaki protest but I was already going and gone.

I went to the front steps of the academy and sat down. There I waited for a good hour and a half until Haruhi walked through the main doors.

"I thought you'd be in your usual spot?" She huffed as I stood up.

"Well, I figured someone would've followed you so I decided to come down here," I explained with a soft shrug.

"You're too paranoid," She grumbled. I merely rolled my eyes and I walked her home.

We arrived at my apartment and I opened the door for her. We took our shoes off and went to my room. She put her bag down and flopped onto my bed, letting out a sigh.

"Your friends are scary," I stated, flopping onto my stomach next to her.

"Whatever, they're just... what's the word? Eccentric!" She blurted with a giggle. 

"I'll say," I laughed.

"There's something I wanted to ask you. There's a flower viewing reception at the host club tomorrow," Haruhi started.

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