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I was relieved when school was over for the day. Club was closed and I didn't have archery practice. I had also gotten my stitches out so I felt good as new. 

I noticed the twins walking toward me, eyeing me down suspiciously. I quickly turned down the hall and heard their footsteps speed after me.

"Ru-Senpai! Wait!" I heard one of them call.

I started to sprint down an empty hallway, desperately trying to form a plan of escape. 

"He's headed towards the Martial arts wing!" I heard Hikaru shout.

I turned down the martial arts wing and stopped in my tracks seeing Mori just a little bit down the hall. The twins rounded the corner, making me trapped.

"You got no where to go Ru-Senpai, it's best you just come with us," Kaoru stated.

"I'll take my chances," I said with a sarcastic smirk before turning and rushing Mori.

I went to fake one direction, but Mori must've learned from last time since he stuck his foot out, making me trip. At least he caught me before I crashed onto the ground.

"That was just dirty," I huffed, letting him steer me to wherever it was the twins wanted me to go. He patted the shoulder he was holding and walked me to the limo.

I got into the limo with the twins and Haruhi and sat there with my arms crossed.

"They got you too, huh?" Haruhi asked, sounding defeated.

"Where are we going anyway?" I huffed.

"Kyoya-Senpai said something about a water park," Hikaru shrugged.

When we got there I was shoved into the changing room with a plain pair of black swim trunks. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses from my bag and put them on. I walked out of the changing room and grabbed a inflatable tube that looked like a rubber duck and put it in water. I hopped on an let my back rest against the tail of the duck while my feet hung off the edge by the ducks head. I pushed off the side of the pool so I could drift around the current pool.

"Ru-Ru, you know what a plastic pool is, right?" Haruhi asked, walking the edge of the pool as I floated by.

"You mean a kiddie pool?" I questioned, taking a sip of the juice in my cup.

"Yeah," She replied.

"Duh, why?" I responded.

"See! You guys! Ru knows what it is. It's not just me!" Haruhi huffed.

I rolled my eyes.

"So, Ru-Senpai, what is this so-called plastic pool?" Tamaki questioned.

"It's a kiddie pool. It's about two maybe three feet deep that you can inflate so little kids can play in it without having to have floaties. It's a commoner thing," I explained.

I wish they'd just let me float in peace.

"Any way you can slow down?" Kaoru huffed, speed walking by the edge of the pool.

"Nope," I responded, popping the 'p' as I vegged out on the tube. 

"Tamaki, can you take this?" I asked, holding up my now empty cup.

"Sure?" Tamaki replied taking it from me.

"Thanks," I sighed gratefully.

I let out a yawn and let my feet dip in the cool water. This was a lot nicer than I thought it was.

"Hey Ru! Can I float with you?" Honey asked as I floated by.

"Sure," I smiled grabbing onto his floaty so he could hop up onto mine. I scooted over a bit so he could fit in the little spot next to me.

I held onto his floaty while we drifted around the current pool.

"Wow, this is relaxing," Honey sighed, leaning his head back against my arm.

"Mhm," I hummed.

I gasped when I felt something push up on the tube from underneath us. The next thing I know was I was in the water.

I sputtered slightly and wiped the water from my eyes while I shook out my sunglasses with my other hand.

"Hikaru, Kaoru! I'm gonna kill you guys!" I growled as I saw them swim away while cackling their heads off.

Honey giggled as he got back onto his own floaty and I got back onto mine.

The next time I passed Honey he was sitting on Mori while he briskly swam against the current. Honey grabbed my floaty so I stayed next to them.

Once Mori was done, he climbed out of the pool and went over by Haruhi. Honey kept a hold of my floaty while he leisurely kicked against the current.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked me.

"Yeah, this is nice," I answered, watching as Mori spoke with Haruhi.

There was a loud rumbling sound and the current suddenly stopped. I noticed a big shadow over us and looked up, lowering my sunglasses.

"Oh no," I murmured as I saw a huge wave rushing at us.

Honey and I both let out a terrified scream and latched onto each other as it crashed over us. The wave shoved us below the surface, pushing us down the current. 

Once I broke the surface I gasped for air and looked around. I was sad to see my floaty was no where in sight, but thankfully my sunglasses were still on my face.

"Ru! Are you okay?" Honey asked, offering his hand to me from the edge of the pool.

"Yeah, how about you?" I asked as he pulled me out.

"I'm okay. Do you know where we are?" He asked me. 

I looked around seeing nothing by jungle. 

"I don't think I went this way, we must've been shoved into another pool when that wave hit us. None of this looks familiar," I responded.

"I'm going to go look for the others, why don't you stay here?" Honey suggested.

"Okay, be careful, Honey," I told him, sitting down by the edge of the pool.

"I promise I'll be careful!" He reassured before running off.

I sighed and kicked my feet in the water, leaning back on my hands. I let out an irked huff when it started to rain. I was thankful it only lasted a few minutes.

I gasped when I saw my floaty float by. I jumped into the water and climbed on. I figured they'd find me eventually.

About half an hour later I heard a familiar gasp. "Ru-Senpai! Is that you?" I heard Tamaki exclaim tearfully.

"Hi-Hi!" I responded lazily, continuing to float by. 

"Ru get out of the pool, it's time to go," Haruhi ordered me, unamused with my lack of concern. I sighed and got off the floaty, pulling myself out of the pool.

"Why didn't you go with Honey-Senpai?" Hikaru asked.

"He suggested I stayed put. But then I found my floaty and I figured you guys would find me eventually," I stated with a shrug.

Honey giggled and latched onto my arm. "But we're okay! It wasn't too scary!" Honey chimed.

We all headed back toward the main lounge area and got ready to go. I went into the changing room and changed into a t-shirt and shorts. I stepped into my slides and pulled on my dark red hoodie.

"You know maybe we should go to the beach next!" Hikaru suggested.

"Yeah the beach would be nice!" Kaoru agreed.

"You idiots, Haruhi doesn't want to go to the beach!" Tamaki argued.

I tuned them out. I wasn't a big fan of the beach. I didn't like the sand or the seaweed. Although Haruhi seemed to like it. I was definitely more of a water park type of person. I can't leisurely float in the ocean like I would like to.

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