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After a few doctors visits and a few grueling days in court, I was finally free. I was thankful that I only got a few scrapes and bruises and nothing serious.

I didn't get to school until just before club time. I nearly jumped out of my skin when four of the hosts beelined for me.

"Ru! We're so glad you're back!" Honey exclaimed, hugging my waist.

"My precious son has returned!" Tamaki cooed as he rubbed his cheek with mine and then peppered my face in kisses.

"We missed you so much!" The twins said, latching onto either arm.

"Tamaki! Hikaru! Kaoru! Please! I can't move," I grunted as I tried to move my face away from Tamaki and wiggle out of the twins' arms.

They finally let go and sulked away. Except for Honey, he seemed to have a worried expression as he stayed attached to my waist. I let out a sigh and picked him up, placing him on my hip.

"I promise I'm okay," I reassured softly.

"That was really scary, does your dad get like that a lot?" He asked quietly, avoiding my eyes.

"Yeah, but now he's going to be facing the consequences for a while. And I'm really sorry you had to see me like that," I apologized, rubbing Honey's back.

"I'm just glad that you're okay," Honey whispered before wrapping his arms around my neck.

I patted his back and then sat him down so he could go over to his shared table with Mori. I turned and went to go set up at mine but stopped in my tracks when I saw Haruhi standing their with her arms crossed with a rolled up newspaper in her hand.

"Hey Haru," I trailed nervously.

"You idiot!" She huffed throwing it at me. I accidentally caught it and the room went quiet.

"You did not just catch that," Haruhi said in disbelief.

I dropped it and put my hands up. "You're right, I did not catch it. See it's on the floor," I said, pointing to it.

Haruhi rolled her eyes and went back to her table.

My usual guests were at their own respective clubs today so I went and sat down with Mori and Honey once the club opened.

"Hey Ru!" Honey greeted as I sat down between the two.

"Hello Mitsukuni, Morinozuka-San, ladies," I greeted with a smile.

"You guys seem to have gotten a lot closer. Are you enjoying being a host, Ru?" One of their guests asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I like it here a lot actually. I was a little skeptical at first but it grew on me," I said with a small smile.

"A little?" Mori repeated.

"Okay, maybe a lot skeptical, but that's besides the point now," I chuckled.

We played cards and other board games with the ladies until it was time to go. 

I went to get into my limo but was suddenly yanked backward, two sets of arms grabbing my own.

"Target," Hikaru started.

"Captured," Kaoru finished.

I let out a groan and let them drag me to their limo.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"To Mori-Senpai's, we're spending the weekend there," Hikaru explained.

"You know I live next door, right? You could've just ridden with me instead of kidnapping me," I stated.

"See, I told you Hikaru," Kaoru huffed. Hikaru rolled his eyes.

"Can we stop by my house first so I can grab some stuff?" I asked.

"Be sure to pack a swim suit, we might go swimming," Kaoru mentioned.

Once we arrived I stopped by my house to pick up my overnight bag. Daru chirped loudly and jumped onto my bed, wanting me to pet him.

I petted his head while I set the open bag down next to him. I grabbed some pajamas, a fresh set of clothes, and some swim trunks from my dresser and put them away. I then took off my uniform and put on my normal after school clothes.

"Daru, come on," I laughed when he jumped into my bag. He only stared up at me with his bright green eyes. I sighed and picked him up. 

He purred loudly as I cradled him in my arms. After I gave him some love, I set him down and zipped my bag shut. 

"Um, Nana-San?" I paged out head maid as I was about to leave.

"Yes, Master Han?" She responded, turning to me.

"Could you let my mom know that I'm staying over at the Morinozuka Estate?" I requested. I was not used to this at all.

"Of course Master Han," She replied with a smile.

"Thank you," I said softly before I left.

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