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After archery practice, I hurried to the music room even though we didn't have guests for the day. I sat down next to Honey and yawned.

"Want a cookie? Renge brought them for us," Honey offered, holding out the small bag.

"Oh, sure. Thanks, Haninozuka-San," I said gratefully taking a cookie. 

I put it in my mouth only to pause halfway through chewing, the bitter burnt taste attacking my taste buds. I swallowed thickly and shuddered.

"Haninozuka-San, are you trying to poison me?" I questioned as I tried to clear my throat slightly.

"Wow, she wasn't kidding these really are burnt!" He mentioned after he put a cookie in his mouth.

"Don't eat that, it's bad for you," Mori warned, making Renge freak out and chase after the two.

"May I try?" I heard Hikaru ask. I looked over to see him tilt Haruhi's head up and take a bite from the cookie that was already in her mouth.

"Uh-oh Haruhi, you've got crumbs on your face," Kaoru stated before licking them off. I felt my lip curl in distate.

"Did you see what they just did?" Tamaki started to freak out. 

The twins seemed to both froze as they met my eyes. I guess to say I was appalled with their behavior was an understatement.

"Why is Ru-Senpai looking at us like we're bugs?" Kaoru asked Haruhi skittishly. 

"I didn't think Ru-Senpai was scary but now it feels like he's going to kill us!" Hikaru exclaimed hiding behind Haruhi.

"Hey knock it off! You're scaring them!" Haruhi huffed at me. I sent the twins a side-eye and sat down on the loveseat.

I jumped when Renge started to yell. "Every single one of you!" Renge hollered. "Girls are vulnerable to handsome young men who are troubled!" She went on. I rolled my eyes.

Haruhi pinched my arm, making me flinch. "Hey," I whined quietly.

"Behave," She lectured. I grumbled in annoyance.

"Now for you," Renge barked at me, making me jump, "You may be the Tsundere type but it's really just covering up the fact that you come from a broken home so you try to make up for it by protecting those around you like your parents never did! You're striving for your drunk father's approval so you excel in everything you do! So it causes you act out in rebellion to get his attention! You also have a hard time showing your true feelings so you cover it up by being rude and standoffish!" She announced, pointing at me.

"Is that really how you see me?" I questioned quietly.

"Well... yeah," Renge started, her train of thought faltering.

"I'm sorry Renge, but whatever it is you're doing I don't want any part of it," I told her gently, getting up and patting her shoulder.

The music room was silent as they stared at us. I grabbed my bag and exited the room, going to my usual spot on the roof. 

I sat down against the fence and took a deep breath of the crisp spring air. I looked over when I heard the door creak open. 

"Hey Morinozuka-San," I greeted with a soft sigh. 

"Mind if I join you?" He asked. I shook my head and he sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry if I made everything weird. I just don't think that's something I want to make myself a part of, people already see me as a delinquent and I don't want to play into that narrative," I apologized softly, looking over the courtyard as the crisp spring breeze tousled my hair.

UNDER THE INFLUENCE |MORI X M!OC|Where stories live. Discover now