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It was time for the culture club's exposition. Although Bare-bow archery would not be part of it, a Kyudo demonstration would be. I would be the only one giving the demonstration since my teammates sucked. 

I went to the dressing room and tied on my Hakama. I went to the Kyudo dojo and took a deep breath. 

Once I was told to begin I bowed to the dojo, then took sliding steps to my designated spot, Yumi and arrows in hand. I got onto my knees and set my bow out in front of me. I turned my bow slightly and readied my arrow on top of my Yugake and in-between my fingers. I stood up and gauged my stance with a sliding step. I looked over at the target and raised the bow high, before slowing drawing my arrow.

I took a deep breath, and the I released the arrow. A soft whistle left with the arrow as it soared through the air before piercing the middle of the target. I kept my gaze on the target for a second more before lowering my bow and my hand to my hips.

After my demonstration I went to the locker room to change.

"Where?" I murmured to myself as I looked for my uniform. I found a note on my bag and picked it up.

Good luck paying for a new uniform~

I let out an agitated sigh and crumpled up the note. The guys on the archery team were all a bunch of pompous assholes anyway.

I went up to the host club to see everyone dressed as knights.

"Does anyone have a spare uniform or a spare change of clothes I can borrow?" I asked irritably.

"Yeah," Takashi answered, going to his bag.

"What happened to your uniform?" Tamaki asked.

"The guys on the archery team are assholes. Thank you, Takashi," I said as he handed me the clothes. 

I went to the back room and changed out of my Kyudo uniform. I folded it carefully and set it in my gym bag. I pulled on Takashi's spare shirt and shorts. The shorts were a little big on me but I was able to tighten it.

I flopped onto the couch and hid my face in the pillow.

"Are you alright, Ru-Senpai?" Kyoya asked worriedly.

"I need a nap," I huffed, hugging the pillow under my head.

Before I could fall asleep these Lobelia girls stormed into the club and started making a racket.

While they were making their grand introduction I went up behind Mori and wrapped my arms around his waist, peeking at the scene unfolding from over his shoulder. Once the Zuka club broke out into song I subtly led Mori into the changing room.

"How was the demonstration?" He asked me as he took off his suit of armor. 

"It was a good. A little stressful afterward since I had a swarm of lobelia students asking how I shoot a bow that's twice my height," I sighed, "Or asking why I don't focus on hitting the target and rather letting the arrow find its way there."

Mori smiled and leaned down and kissed me softly before pulling away and putting on his white dress shirt and blazer. Once he was finished, I grabbed his tie and pulled him down gently, leaning up and kissing him gently.

He let out a soft chuckle and kissed me again, then pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth and then down my neck. I let out a sigh of content as he mouthed the skin under my jaw, pulling me closer by my waist.

I let out a soft gasp when his teeth tugged on the skin. "We're still in school," I stammered, pulling away slightly.

Mori only hummed in acknowledgement before kissing my forehead.

UNDER THE INFLUENCE |MORI X M!OC|Where stories live. Discover now