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Tamaki had decided to drag us all out to the beach. I had been reluctant to go but my mother let Tamaki and the twins drag me from my bed. 

I put my bags in the room I was staying in and then changed into some plain black swim trunks. My hair had gotten longer so I put it up in a short ponytail and then put on my sunglasses, making my way outside.

I felt the smile etch itself onto my face when I saw the familiar rubber duck floaty. I grabbed a rope and tied it around the neck of the duck and then tied the other end of the rope to a post that was in the sand on the shore by the dock. I walked out with the floaty and let my self drift off as far as the rope would let me, which was about forty feet.

I felt something tug on the floaty and lifted my head up slightly to see. I let out a groan and leaned back into the floaty when I saw Haruhi pulling me to shore.

"Let me float in peace!" I whined, kicking my legs and splashing slightly.

"You shouldn't be that far out to begin with! You looked like a spec on the horizon. What if someone just unties the rope?" Haruhi asked worriedly.

"Relax, no one would do that. I'll be fine!" I dismissed.

"I'm shortening it to fifteen feet," Haruhi dictated.

"Whatever," I sighed, letting her do what she wanted.

The downside now was that I was within range to be bothered.

"Touch me or my floaty and you die," I said nonchalantly as I saw the twins' shadow slowly creeping up on me.

They let out a defeated whine and sulked off.

I was kind of glad that my guests didn't show up for this event. Although they were nice, they were focused on their school work and their own clubs to be infatuated with me. Which I didn't mind. It let me relax and focus on my own school work during club time. 

And I didn't have to do that stupid Tsundere act.

"Hey Ru-Senpai! What's your biggest fear?" Hikaru called from the shore.

"Your mom!" I shouted.

"It's needles," Haruhi responded. I could just hear her rolling her eyes.

"Haruhi! Shut up!" I huffed playfully while they rolled their eyes.

After a while, I got out to reapply my sunscreen. I rubbed it onto my arms, front, and face. 

"Hey, Morinozuka-San?" I paged as he walked by.

"Takashi," He corrected, catching me off guard.

"Takashi-San, could you get my back?" I asked, holding out the sunscreen.

He didn't say anything as he took the bottle from my hand gently.

I immediately regretted my decision as I became completely aware of how close he was behind me. My whole body heated up when his hand gingerly touched my back, spreading the lotion around. 

Why did I put myself in this situation? 

I hadn't felt the heat of the summer day, but now it felt like my body was practically roasting in the summer sun. I prayed that Takashi wouldn't notice or would just think it was the weather making my skin so hot. 

His hand ran along my shoulder blades, making sure to cover my skin thoroughly. He then proceeded to go lower, and my body went rigid as his gentle fingers glided down my spine. His fingertips lingered slightly as they brushed the edge of my shorts. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing the heat in my face to dissipate. Takashi was silent the whole time and I had wondered if he ever felt as embarrassed as I was feeling. A part of me felt crazy that I was disappointed when he finished.

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