Billy Loomis || How you Met||

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You sat behind a tree enjoying a small pack of powdered donuts. Everyone at school was on break so you just decided to enjoy the cool fall air. You leaned your head back onto the tree and rested your eyes.


You woke up to someone snapping their fingers. You saw a boy in front of you with a small smile on his face. "Break is over, you might wanna get ready for class." You checked the time. Shit you thought getting up and grabbing your bag. Looks like pulling those over times at your 24hour convenience store was starting to be a drag. The boy looked at you and handed you one of your books that fell out. "Thank you so much!" He nodded and you quickly walked off to class.

You stared off into space when your teacher tapped on your desk. "(Y/n) if you are going to fall asleep in class you might as well leave." You shrugged and grabbed your bag flicking your teacher off while leaving.

You sat behind the tree reading through your book. You noticed a piece of paper in it that wasn't there before. It was a phone number of some sorts. You shrugged and placed it into your pocket.

You were at home when you decided to call the random number. "Hello?" "Hey this is the guy that woke you up earlier." You remembered, "oh yeah thank you so much for that! How could I repay you?" "Well maybe we could hang out sometime. I have a group I think you would fit into." You thought about it for a few seconds. "Yeah I think I would like that." "Then it's settled, meet us at the fountain tomorrow." You agreed and then you both ended the call. You smiled to yourself.

Hopefully I just made new friends.

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