Bubba||NSFW ABC'S||

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A(Aftercare): He'll help clean you up. Then he'll make sure you don't need anything before cuddling you to death.

B(Fave Body Part): On himself he really doesn't have one he's very insecure. On you it would be your chest. Perfect pillow.

C(Cum): Inside of course

D(Dirty Secret): He doesn't have any he's a pure boi

E(Experience): None complete virgin cinnamon roll

F(Favorite position): Cowgirl

G(Goofy): He can do things that are goofy on accident

H(Hair): A bush+ like Thomas doesn't mind what yours is like

I(Intimacy): What's that?

J(Jerk off): Once he discovered what it was he has tried a few times while he showered.

K(Kinks): Definitely a breeding one.

L(Location): His room!

M(Motivation): Doesn't take much to get him motivated

N(No!): Doing it somewhere where you two may get caught. He doesn't want his brothers to make fun of him.

O(Oral): Loves receiving

P(Pace): Slow and gentle

Q(Quickies): Doesn't mind them time from time

R(Risk): Nooooooo

S(Stamina): He can last 6-7 rounds

T(Toys): He's too pure and innocent to use them

U(Unfair): Nope you're his equal

V(Volume): He squeals and grunts

W(Wildcard): He has considered doing you against a tree at one point

X(X-ray): 8inches and thick

Y(Yearning): He yearns for your touch quite often

Z(Zealous): Medium

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