Logan Nelson Oneshot

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You hummed as you washed the dishes from the previous night. Melissa was still asleep since it was the weekend. You had your earbuds in and shaking your hips to the music. You didn't notice the dirty blonde staring at you as you cleaned.

You jumped at the sudden arms wrapping around your waist. "Oh Melissa you're u-" You turned around to see a grinning Logan. "Oh sir welcome home!" Logan smiled and noticed some pans on the stove cooking breakfast. "You really are a saint you know that right." You twirled a piece of your hair and smiled. "It's the least I can do." He took a seat at the kitchen table while you went to retrieve Melissa. She happily ran downstairs and into Logan's lap. "Daddy! Daddy! I missed you!" Logan and her talked as you finished preparing breakfast.

"Who's hungry?" You smiled as you placed pancakes infront of Melissa and eggs with bacon infront of Logan. Logan looked at you and pulled a chair out beside him. "Why don't you take a seat?" You shook your head. "I must go finish clea-" "you're family and family sits and eats together." You blushed and sighed grabbing two cups of coffee and handing him one. You sat and watched as the two of them ate. You smiled at Logan and he smiled back at you.

Logan and Melissa were watching cartoons together when you were cleaning the bathroom. You heard someone walk in and saw Logan. "Oh need something sir?" He pulled you up by your hand and held your waist. "Yeah I do actually." You were about to question him when you felt his soft warm lips against yours. You blushed and kissed him back. It lasted for a few moments before he pulled away and looked at your face. "(Y/n).. I think.. I'm in love with you." You pulled him down for another kiss to show him you feel the same way. You heard Melissa call for you so you gently pulled away. "I love you too Logan." He watched as you made your way downstairs to Melissa. I love her way more than she knows.

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