Jason Vorhees|| How you Met||

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You sat near the lake thinking about your life. All you had been through was torment from your parents and bullies. You looked into the water and teared up. You wanted to end it all but something (or someone) was preventing you. You laid your head back and began to silently sob.

You felt a kick to your stomach. "Look the weird bitch fell asleep near the lake." Great your bullies. You tried to get up when one of them stomped on your hand. You screamed in pain while they continued to assault you.

You began to feel numb from the pain. Your eyes were clouded with hate and grief. You closed your eyes when you heard a scream. One of the girls was split in half.

You watched as a zombie like man took down each and everyone of them. He stalked over to you and you closed your eyes accepting your fate.

"Kill me.. please..."

But your fate never came. Instead the person picked you up and carried you to a cabin. He laid you onto the bed and covered you up. You felt so sore from the pain that you couldn't even move. "Thank you.."

You had taken a nap when you heard quiet foot steps. You opened your eyes and winced at the pain. You saw a glass of water next to your bed and you shakily took it and drunk it. You laid your head back down and let out a shaky breath. You had to make it up to that man to save you.

My Savior

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