Hannibal Oneshot

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Your heels clicked on the floor as you walked through people at the party. Your husband, Hannibal, decided to throw a party for some rich snobs. You sat at a vacant seat and peered upon the people. You heard someone click their glass and everyone went silent. You peered lovingly as Hannibal made a quick speech. He locked his eyes onto yours from a distance and you felt your body heat up. You took a sip of your beverage and continued on.

You listened to a group of woman talk about you. They kept stealing glances at you as they gossiped amongst themselves. "Is that really Mr.Lecters wife? For a handsome man as himself he could have done better." You felt your heart ache and you got up and quickly made your way up the stairs to you and his room.

You must have fallen asleep because you awoke to a familiar warmth crawling up next to you in bed. You felt him rest an arm around your waist and bury his face into your hair. "My love, why did you leave so early?" You placed your hand on top of his and sighed. "I heard some woman say I'm not good enough for you, it hurt. I want to be perfect for you." You felt warm soft kisses against your neck and relaxed. "My dear, you are perfect. You are a masterpiece. From your beautiful smile to your beautiful heart." You turned to face him and brought him into a much needed kiss. Afterwords you both pressed against each other and fell into a comforting sleep.

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