John Kramer Oneshot

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(The reader at the beginning of this is 9)

You skipped along the side walk humming some nursery rhyme. You noticed some creepy guy following you so you started to skip a bit faster. That's when he started to walk faster. You broke out into a run and he chased after you. You ran as fast as your little legs could take you when you bumped into someone. You landed on your toosh and winced. The guy snatched you up but the person you bumped into grabbed him. "Where do you think you're going?" The person slowly turned his head and gave a fake smile. "Oh my daughter is just being a brat! My apologies sir." You began to tear up and the other man looked down at you. "Seems to me she's terrified not -bratty-" you nodded your head and the person tightened their grip on you. The other person shoved the guy down and grabbed your hand. He quickly led you away from the person trying to steal you away.

You and the other man were walking when you looked up at him. "What's your name mister?" He looked down at you and smiled. "I'm John, John Kramer." You nodded your head and smiled at him. "I'm (y/n)! Thanks for saving me! That creep followed me from school to where I usually do my daily skips!" John ruffled your hair and looked up. "That's because some people are monsters." You tilted your head at him. "But monsters are usually half animal half human!" John chuckled and shook his head no. "They teach us monsters are these horrifying non human creatures. However, the real monsters are around us everyday. Your neighbor, your friend, even family can be monsters my dear." You looked down and then back at him. "Are you a monster?" He smiled gently at you. "Yes, I am, but I'm the good kind." You gave him a toothy grin and you two continued to walk.

Eventually he stopped infront of your house after you told him where you live. "Well my dear, our adventure ends here." You teared up a little bit and sniffled. "But I really like you John!" He bent down to your height and ruffled your hair. He took a marker out and wrote numbers onto your arm. "Write this number down and keep it somewhere safe. It's my address, if you ever want to see me again I'll always be there." You smiled and nodded. You threw your arms around him and he rubbed your back. "Now go to your family. I'm sure they are worried about you right now." You ran up the stairs but before leaving you waved at him. "Bye John!" He waved back at you. "Bye young one." You watched as he turned and left.

You drew countless pictures of you and John to hang on the fridge. Your parents assumed imaginary friend but you knew that was far from what it was. You kept the address hidden in a safe box in your room.

Present Day

You wrappes your arms around John from behind as you watched him work on one of his contraptions. "Dinner is ready when you are ready to eat." He nodded and smiled at you. "I'll be there in a second." You nodded and went over to the fridge. You smiled at the pictures of you and him and sketches you made of the two of you. You poured two glasses of water and set them down. You took a seat as John sat infront of you. You both chatted about random things until you felt tired.

You laid down and John tucked you in. "I know what you mean by you're a good monster. You're the best monster in my eyes." He smiled and patted your shoulder. "Goodnight (y/n), sleep well." He got up, turned off the light, and left. You smiled to yourself and hugged your pillow.

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