Hannibal SmutShot

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You smiled at Hannibal as he held the door open for you. After a dinner party at one of his fellow friends house you two had gone home. He took your coat and his and hung them both. "Wine my darling?"

You both were seated at the table sipping on wine. He kept eyeing you but you were playing hard to get. After wine you two cuddled onto the couch. He took a tuff of your hair and gave it a kiss. You turned around to look at him and he smiled. You gave in and loosed his tie then pulled him into a kiss.

You gasped at the feeling at his cold hand against your bare warm skin. He trailed kisses from your lower stomach up to your lips where he kept them at. He pinned your hands above you with one of his hair and unbuckled his pants. You leaned your head back and felt him kiss your chest. "Relax my dear.." you nodded when you felt a sharp pain. You felt him push deeper till he bottomed out. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. His hair was already a mess. He started to thrust. You and his moans and groans we're heard throughout the room. You were both in for a long night.

You were cuddled into his arms. After your little session you were both just catching your breath and comforting each other. His chest rising and falling slowly. You looked up into his eyes and you both smiled at each other. "I love you mon chéri."

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