Bubba Sawyer ||How you Met||

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You had managed to fall through some trap and ended up in a pile of bodies. You freaked out and started to try and find your way out.

You took a deep breathe but grimaced at the stench of death. You quickly hid behind one of the mounds of bodies on the ground when you heard a chainsaw rev up followed by a scream. You covered your mouth and began to cry when you made a small squeak. You heard someone stomp over and saw someone with a strange mask stare at you. You prepared yourself for the worst when you heard two people start calling for who you assumed the masked man was. He quickly hid you better and went away to do what he was needed for.

You don't know how long you sat there but your nose was completely burnt from the smell of blood and bile. You heard the stomps and felt yourself being grabbed. He quickly helped you into a room and placed a finger over his lips to show you to stay quiet. He closed the door and went off again.

You heard shouting and a few pairs of stomping up the stairs. The door slammed open and a older man along with the masked man and a crazy looking fellow stood before you. "Well I be damned Bubba you really hid her huh?" You didn't know what to do. The man looked at the masked man. "Tell you what you can keep her but make sure no one comes looking for her. She can't leave either." The masked man nodded and the older and crazy looking ones left.

The masked man sat beside you and rubbed your back. His hand was so huge. "So I'm stuck here aren't I?" He nodded and you sighed.

As long as I'm not dead...

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