Bo||Someone Hurts You||

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You had left your car at Bo's place one night and decided to walk home. You were walking along side the side walk when someone grabbed you and dragged you to the dark crevice. You tried to scream but a hand was placed over your mouth.

You started to fear when you heard the familiar accent of your boyfriend. You bit the persons hand and screamed. "BO HELP ME!" In a moments notice Bo was there and on top of the person. You were crying and Lester held you close. Once Bo was finished he quickly made his way to you. He walked you away from the scene and then stopped to make sure you weren't hurt badly. He saw you shaking and undid his coat and wrapped it around you. You buried your face into his chest and he soothingly ran his hand through your hair. "Shh, no one is going to hurt you while I'm around baby."

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