You get jealous

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Michael: You and him were out and about doing your grocery runs. You left him for a few seconds to get a certain snack when you came back to some girl pushing her tits onto his arms asking him for his number. You crossed your arms and Michael noticed you shoving the girl off and going to your side. You pecked his cheek and you both continued on. You secretly flicking the girl off.

Bo: You were working the diner when you heard Bo talking to someone. You saw a woman sitting beside him. She twirled a piece of her hair and gave him innocent eyes. You walked over to the two. "Mm babe I need you to come zip up the back on my outfit real quick." Bo smirked and got up to follow you. You turned around and stuck your tongue out at the girl and kissed Bo's neck.

Vincent: Your poor shy Vincent was being attacked by a group of girls begging him for his number, name, age, etc. You saw him fluster out of shyness and walked over. You grabbed his hand and walked him away from the girls.

Lester: You and him were picking out various fruits and vegetables. You allowed him to walk around while you finished up what you needed to do. You heard giggling and saw some girl flirting with him. You glared and balled your fist up. "Yeah my girlfriend absolutely loves my jokes! She's so pretty and smart! You should meet her!" You felt your eyes soften and you clasped your hands to your chest. My sweet Lester.

Hannibal: You sat at the dinner table next to Hannibal. You watched at his varied guest chatted and ate amongst themselves. Of course one being Alana who was seated on the other side of him. She kept stealing his attention away from you and eventually you lost your appetite. You excused yourself from the table and went upstairs to the bathroom. You took your heels off and sat at the edge of the tub to run your fingers through your hair. Hannibal opened the door and walked in. "My precious what's wrong?" You broke down and told him to which he helped you up. "You know Alana means nothing to me. You are my heart."

Billy: You knew Sidney had the eyes for Billy. You would tend to just let her basically hog him everytime the group went out. You were currently at the festival. She called sitting next to him on rides or running off with him to play games. You sighed and bought a bottle of cider and found a place to sit and drink. It was an hour later when Billy found you behind the tent. "Babe you alright? I haven't seen you anywhere." You turned away from him and crossed your arms. He understood so he sat next to you. "Babe you know Sidney, please don't be upset with me." You wiped your eyes. "I just wanna go home. I'm hungry im-" you saw Billy hold a cotton candy cone out towards you. You glared and snatched it from him turning your back to him and ate it. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head onto your shoulder. "No one can compare to you babe."

Stu: Stu has a tendency to flirt with random people. Of course out of all the days you were having a stomach ache. He had been carrying you around when he placed you down to go get a movie. When he didn't come back you groaned and walked over to see him flirting with a girl. "Stewart I will gut you from armpit to asshole." (If you get that reference 💍) He apologized and walked over to you. You glared and he knew he was sleeping on the couch.

Thomas: He has to deal with very pretty girls on a daily basis. You know he would never choose them over you however. You're his dream girl.

Bubba: Bubba is too cute and innocent for you to get jealous. He's a puppy he only likes one person.

Nubbins: You could care less if another girl steals him. Good luck with the man child.

Chop-Top: Man gets no bitches. You're the only crazy one to love his ass.

Tex: You watched as some girl pulled up to the gas station. You noticed her hourglass figure and looked down at yourself. You sighed and watched Tex approach her. The two chatted and you leaned your head onto your hand. He pulled his usual "I need a ride" trick and they both hopped in her car. You crossed your arms and threw your cigarette down stomping it.   Later on that night he showed you who he belonged to ;).

Brahms: Wall rat stays home 24/7 it would be impossible for you to get jelly.

Jason: ......................... Man's rotting...............

Billy Lenz: No one can deal with his obnoxious behavior but you.

Chucky(Charles): Just like Nubbins you could care less.

John: You watched as John taught Amanda how to work certain traps. You stared daggers at her as she hugged and thanked him. You got up and went down to the basement. I could be just as helpful as her! You started to fiddled around with the traps when you sliced your finger on a sharp piece of metal. "Ow!" John walked down and saw the blood dripping from your finger. He grabbed a bandage and had you follow him. He told you to explain and so you did. "I care for Amanda but I care more for you. I don't want you to go down the same path as us." You hugged him tight and he rubbed your back.

Amanda: You're the only person she talks to besides John and the other apprentices. You have no competition.

Mark: You watched as one of his assistants made googly eyes at him. You huffed and got up only to feel him grip your thigh. You bite your bottom lip and sat back down. The girl awkwardly got up and left. "Bad girl, I'm gonna have to punish you for that later. You know I only love you."

Logan: Logan had one of his work mates over. She introduced herself as Eleanor. You watched as the two talked about work related stuff and you finished making dinner. You gave them their two plates where they were sitting and had Melissa sit in the dining room. You grumpily ate with her when Logan walked in to get a drink. "(Y/n), are you ok?" "Just cheesy" he knew you were lying. He grabbed his drink and went back to Eleanor. She left around 12 so Melissa was long asleep. You sat on the porch clutching a hot cup of coffee looking out at the stars. You felt arms wrap around your waist and a deep kiss to your neck. "You know I have to have an alibi right?" You nodded and he held your hand in his. "You're the only woman who has stayed by my side to heal me."

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