Billy Loomis|| Someone Hurts You||

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You sat at your usual spot at the tree. You rubbed your now bruised leg and leaned your head back. Your nose was crusted with blood.

A few minutes prior some kids decided to bully you into a corner and proceeded to throw hard hits and kicks. Of course it was 3 on 1 so you quickly lost.

You winced as you felt your side throb. You grabbed your water bottle and placed it against your side just to relive it a little.

Apparently you were missing for too long before Billy went looking for you. Of course didn't take him long to find you but when he saw he was quick to your side. He ran to the nurses office and came back with an ice pack. He placed it against the bruises and wiped the dried blood from your nose. You leaned into his touch. "My poor baby.."

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