Mark Hoffman info

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How you met: You were a assistant to Mark. Once you had found out about his secret life he threatened you. You and him made a vow. You would never mention what he does and he'll spare your life.

Why they love you: You are lovely to him. He'll need anything and you're right there getting it for him.

Favorite activity to do with you: He likes to at random grab your waist and hand and do a quick dance with you. He usually has the radio on as he works so it provides the music.

Chubby S/O: You are still lovely to him. He loves to admire your body all the time.

They get hurt: You yawned as you walked into the basement. You heard the sound of struggling and you quickly ran to see. Mark was bleeding out. You quickly took him upstairs to give him first aid.

Someone hurts you: There will be hell to pay. After taking care of you he is quick to work on a trap that is so gruesome.

Run around the world: He would smile at your amusement. He'll give you a quick kiss and get back to work. He'll think about it for the rest of the day.

Walking in on them naked: He will cover up and give you a look. It may be best to leave.

Walking in on you naked: He'll click his tongue, shut the door, and pretend nothing happened.

Nicknames for you: Dear, darling, Hun

Nicknames for him: the same unless you wanna get on his nerves.

Pregnant Reaction: You and him have talked about it before. He would love a child with you as long as you were ready. You looked down at the pregnancy test and texted him a picture. The minute he got home you were in his arms. "I love you so much my dear."

Cheating Scenario: You finished with the last piece of the trap. You smiled to yourself and decided to surprise Mark at work with it. Once you arrived you didn't see him anywhere. You walked into his office to see him banging some other employee. You teared up and threw the piece at him. You left and made plans for a gruesome revenge.


A(Aftercare): He'll bring you towards his chest. You two enjoying the warmth of eachother. If he has to leave he'll make sure to bring you back a gift later.

B(Fave Body Part): On himself? His charming blue eyes. On you, definitely your boobs. He doesn't care how big or small they are. He loves to rest his hands on them and feel the soft skin.

C(Cum): Inside, it's a possessive thing. Not only that he does intend to have a family with you.

D(Dirty Secret): He has stolen a few pairs of panties from you. He keeps them in his drawer when he needs a reminder of you. (They are clean)

E(Experience): He's had some experience. Of course to him you are the best he's had.

F(Favorite position): Missionary or against the wall.

G(Goofy): He's serious

H(Hair): He keeps it groomed. With you he doesn't care as long as it doesn't get crazy.

I(Intimacy): He can be very intimate with you.

J(Jerk off): He'd rather not. He has you or he'll just take a shower.

K(Kinks): Bondage, slight blood, breeding, choking, knife

L(Location): Bedroom, shower, car

M(Motivation): Wear something a bit revealing.

N(No!): No sex in the basement. There is too much shit down there.

O(Oral): Prefers to receive then give. He just thinks he wouldn't be all too good at giving it.

P(Pace): Depends on how he feels. He may go slow and gentle or fast and rough.

Q(Quickies): He doesn't mind them.

R(Risk): No he's not comfortable with getting caught.

S(Stamina): depends he can be 3-4 or 1-2

T(Toys): Handcuffs, a blindfold, a gag

U(Unfair): If he's in a particularly good mood he'll be a bit of a tease.

V(Volume): Grunts and groans

W(Wildcard): He would love to take pictures of you. Of course for his own personal view.

X(X-ray): 6.5inches and thick

Y(Yearning): medium

Z(Zealous): medium

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