Billy Loomis||NSFW ABC'S||

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A(Aftercare): Billy usually has to leave due to your parents being there.

B(Fave Body Part): On himself? His hair. On you definitely your ass.

C(Cum): Uses a condom

D(Dirty Secret): He wants to low-key use his mask while you two bang

E(Experience): He's had gf's before you so he's had some experience

F(Favorite position): against your desk

G(Goofy): He's mostly serious

H(Hair): He's moderate. For you he doesn't care what you do

I(Intimacy): Very intimate

J(Jerk off): At least 10 times a week

K(Kinks): Slight choking, mask, dirty talk

L(Location): He doesn't really have a favorite because he likes a lot of different places

M(Motivation): Whisper into his ear

N(No!): Don't mention anything he did prior to you two fucking.

O(Oral): Receiving

P(Pace): Quick but passionate

Q(Quickies): Most of the time it's what you two do

R(Risk): He gets ballsy

S(Stamina): 4 rounds if it's a good day

T(Toys): He really doesn't have none

U(Unfair): He can be a tease when he wants to be

V(Volume): Tries to keep quiet from the occasional groans

W(Wildcard): Would definitely invite Stu

X(X-ray): 6inches

Y(Yearning): High

Z(Zealous): Medium

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