On your period

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Michael: He'll try to comfort you by allowing you to have all his chocolate+blankets. However if you start being a bitch he will lock you in your room. (P.S don't let him know period sex exist. Man's not afraid of blood.)

Bo: He'll supply you with your feminine products and a few snacks. Besides that he ain't much help. (It ain't much but it's honest work)

Vincent: Man's will make you how showers with essential oils and shit. Need snacks? Cool he'll get you a box filled with snacks. You're his queen.

Lester: Man's doesn't know what to do. He'll wrap his arms around your waist to make an attempt on helping the cramps.

Hannibal: Hannibal keeps a whole cabinet filled with feminine products. He also keeps a drawer filled with snacks and pain reliever. He bought you a heating pad as well for days he can't be there to keep you comfortable.

Billy: He actually keeps a few pads/tampons in his back pack just in case for you. Just let anyone say anything about that. He loves his girl too much.

Stu: Just like Billy he keeps a small bag filled with feminine products and chocolate. He's your period fairy.

Thomas: He didn't quite understand what was going on. He had noticed the blood stain on your sheets and freaked out Luda explained to him and he felt bad. He did your chores.

Bubba: He didn't know what it is but he will take care of you. If you need anything he'll find a way to get it.

Nubbins: Can't trust this mf around anything blood related.

Chop-Top: He'll buy you pads/tampons but that's as much as he will do.

Tex: Of course he will spoil you. You need anything he gets it. Feminine products ? Check. Snacks? Check. A warm cuddle ? Check check. (He wouldn't mind fucking you either but that's only if you want to.

Brahms: Having not been around woman besides his mom he isn't too sharp about that subject. He'll do his best to help but don't expect much.

Jason: He will steal from campers he kills to get you the things you require. Anything for his girl.

Billy Lenz: Billy will place bandages onto your lower stomach cause you say it hurts. Expect cuddles and kisses from him. He's trying to make you feel better.

Chucky(Charles): He'll buy you feminine products but then criticize you for your "gross woman" thing. Man's a menace.

John: Having Jill and Amanda has taught him a few things. For one he keeps feminine products in the bathroom cabinet. Two would be food. You will find the pantry filled with various snacks and the fridge full with drinks. And three, he has a weighted blanket just for you.

Amanda: She's a girl she gets it. Need to cry? Go ahead. Wanna eat your feelings away? Cool go ahead.

Mark: He just buys you what you need. You think he's grossed out by it but you never really notice what he does for you. (He has cleaned your stained sheets when you didn't notice they were stained)

Logan: He knows about it due to his previous wife. Of course he would trust you to explain it to Melissa once the time came but that's still years away thankfully. If you need anything let him know and he's on it.

Daniel: He'll sneak you snacks at school or at home.

Adam: He's your delivery boy. He will go to the store for you and bring you back what you need no questions asked. He actually feels more manlier doing that seeing men find it's gross. He stands proudly holding a package of tampons/pads.

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