Amanda Young Info

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How you met: You were going to fall victim to one of the traps when Amanda decided to step in and give you a second chance. Soon she felt a romantic attachment to you and from there your love blossomed.

Why they love you: You heal her. She's gone through some very very terrible things. You are her little angel.

Their favorite activity to do with you: She loves cleaning with you. Whether it be the bedroom or kitchen. It doesn't matter as long as you are there with her.

Chubby S/O: You are still perfect in her eyes. She will throw anyone who says otherwise in the needle pit.

They get hurt: You had freaked out when you watched Amanda get pushed into the needle pit. The look of pain on her face caused your heart to shred. Of course when she got home later that day you were quick to make her feel better.

Someone Hurts you: Someone had stabbed you in the side and you were bleeding out fast. She was quick to help you. Thankfully you were alright.

Run around the world: She will smile and pull you into an embrace. You are her angel<3

Walking in on them naked: She'll just shrug her shoulders and continue. Stay if you like or leave. Just make sure not to bring it up later.

Walking in on you naked: She'll stare at your body before smiling to herself and leaving.

Nicknames for you: babe,baby, angel

Nicknames for her: babe, baby, darling

Reacting to you pregnant: You two would most likely adopt. Even so she's still very happy.


A(Aftercare): She will want to be squished against you. You make her feel safe.

B(Fave Body Part): On herself? Her face. On you? Definitely your hands. She loves how yours fits into hers.

C(Cum): Anywhere on you. She doesn't mind if you do the same.

D(Dirty Secret): She has a few pictures of you in the shower hidden away somewhere.

E(Experience): Very little

F(Favorite position): Honestly she can't choose. She likes a few

G(Goofy): Mostly Serious

H(Hair): She keeps it neat. She could care less about yours. It's just hair.

I(Intimacy): Very very intimate

J(Jerk off): She really never has the time.

K(Kinks): Praise, slight bondage

L(Location): Somewhere you two won't get caught.

M(Motivation): Her needing to release some steam

N(No!): She isn't into hurting you. She could never see your body cut up.

O(Oral): Love Receiving and giving.

P(Pace): However you want it

Q(Quickies): She's fond of them

R(Risk): No no risk. There are too many guys to risk it.

S(Stamina): 2-3 rounds

T(Toys): She has a big variety

U(Unfair): Noooo you're her angel. She could never tease you.

V(Volume): depending on the setting and place.

W(Wildcard): She has thought of you in lingerie quite a few times.

X(X-ray): She hella curvy

Y(Yearning): High

Z(Zealous): High

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