Logan Nelson info

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How you met: Since the death of his wife he's needed a caretaker that could spread their schedule out. Once he met you and saw how you treated his daughter he knew you were the one.

Why they love you: You are such a gentle loving person to him and his daughter. He sees the way you take care of Melissa and how you make him dinner even though it's not part of your job.

Favorite activity to do with you: If Melissa is at school and he comes home early he offers to walk around the park with you. Of course he also pays for two coffees while the two of you chat.

Chubby S/O: He still sees you the same way. To him it's the heart that shows the most beauty.

They get hurt: You were brushing out Melissa's hair as she snacked when Logan walked in holding his arm. You noticed the red stain and quickly rushed Melissa upstairs. You grabbed some supplies and got to work fixing his arm up.

Someone hurts you: You were holding Melissa's hand as you held groceries in the other. A man ran straight at Melissa and tried to snatch her from you. "You fucking bastard!!!" You pushed Melissa behind you and tackled the man down. It turned into a full on fight before someone came to your aid.

Once you got home Logan was pacing but the minute Melissa ran up and hugged his leg her relaxed. He saw how cut and bruised up you were and quickly took you inside to fix you up.

Run around the world: Logan ruffled your hair and placed a kiss on your head. Honestly stop being so adorable.

Walking in on you naked: You and Melissa had played in the mud causing you both to need a shower. You sat in the tub with her as you washed the mud out her hair. Logan called for you and you responded. Him assuming you were giving Melissa a bath he opened the door. He turned red at the site of you naked. "Sorry!" He closed the door and quickly walked off.

Walking in on them naked: You didn't realize he had came home and went to put the laundry you had just cleaned and folded into his room. You walked in to see him changing. You noticed the scars on his back but also noticed his back muscles. "My apologies!" You quickly left leaving the laundry next to his door.

Nicknames for you: He's still confused on his feelings towards you so it's mostly just your name at first. Once he warms up to you more it's an occasional honey or dear.

Nicknames for him: Just like Logan you tend to call him mister or sir at first. Then it turned into his name. Then it's Handsome or love.

Pregnant Reaction: He would be a bit conflicted. Of course he would love you and the baby but just give him a little bit of time to think. It's nothing personal.

Cheating Scenario: He already had enough time trying get with you. He would never.


A(Aftercare): He'll hold you close and bury his face into your shoulder or your hair. He loves anywhere where he can inhale your sweet scent. It comforts him.

B(Fave Body Part): Definitely his muscular abs. He stays pretty fit. On you? Your cheeks. He loves to squish them and gently pinch them.

C(Cum): Usually he cums inside since you are on the pill. However he may cum on your thighs as well.

D(Dirty Secret): He really doesn't have none. He's pretty honest with you.

E(Experience): He had a wife and a kid. He's had experience.

F(Favorite position): Classic Missionary. Although he wouldn't mind if you decided to ride him.

G(Goofy): He may accidentally do something a little silly time from time.

H(Hair): None, doesn't care how yours is.

I(Intimacy): Very very intimate

J(Jerk off): Doesn't see the need to.

K(Kinks): He's fairly vanilla. Maybe just a lot of hickeys.

L(Location): Anywhere were you two have privacy and won't get caught.

M(Motivation): He just gets moods sometimes. You haven't found a way to motivate him.

N(No!): He would not like to do anything risky. That's a big no no.

O(Oral): He doesn't mind giving or receiving

P(Pace): Depends on how you want it

Q(Quickies): He doesn't care for them too much actually. He prefers a long session.

R(Risk): No nopity nope

S(Stamina): 3-4 rounds

T(Toys): None

U(Unfair): If he gets a call in to work he will have to leave you hot and bothered.

V(Volume): Depends on the situation

W(Wildcard): He loves the idea of you in a wedding dress. Nothing sexual just he believes you would look so beautiful in it.

X(X-ray): 7 inches

Y(Yearning): Medium

Z(Zealous): Medium

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