Cut Content: Kamen Rider Valkyrie

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While Jimmy is recovering from becoming the brute, Rod was leader of the Pack and dealt with more Zodiarts with the Assault Wolf Progrisekey.

But his body started to ache in major pain and thought about not using the Progrisekey anymore.

The Pack went to lunch and noticed Lincoln talking to a girl name Ronnie Anne Santiago, his Best Friend and Bobby's Sister. The group welcome her but she stays distant.

Dustards invade the lunch room along with the Horoscope, Capricorn. Lycan battled them off but was taken down by the monster.

Before he could be finished, a new rider stop the Horoscope and the henchmen. Lycan introduce himself, but the Rider walked off.

There was a concert featuring Luna Loud till Capricorn arrived and had a guitar battle with her before Lycan took care of him.

Horobi show up and battle the Wolf Rider and had his number till Rod put on the Assault Wolf on and beat him. But he collapse on the ground and did not get up.

Rod woke up in the hospital where Aunt Sapphire and Aunt Valley was looking after him. Sapphire held the Lycan Driver on her lap. He knew his secret he was keeping from her was out.

While he was on the sideline, the new Rider was stopping the Zodiarts. The Pack was happy that the mysterious person was helping save the school.

All but Tootie. Rod's Crush spied on them and saw it talk to a Horoscope. She went to expose them to her friends, but she was attacked.

In the hospital, Rod who was released saw his crush badly injured there. He saw Vicki and found her suspicious of hurting her. His fears turns out to be true when he received pictures of Vicki holding a Zodiart Switch.

He invades her home to face her and tear her apart. She transform into the Aquarius Horoscope and they fought. He was about to finish till Vicki told him why would she want to hurt her sister as Horoscope when she can do it herself and said that she was framed.

Rod left, but told the Big Sister that he'll find who hurt Tootie and after he deals with them, their fight will continue.

The Pack welcome Rod back to school along with Jimmy who wasn't happy with the Rider. He saw the video where Rod collapsed with the new suit.

The Assault Wolf was a prototype that was incomplete and deemed dangerous to the user, telling the Hero that he will die if he kept using it.

Rod told him that he'll do whatever it takes to stop the Zodiarts, even if he dies in the process.

Meanwhile, Lincoln was in first period at gym and passed out. But more people were starting to do the same. It was causing concerns with parents.

This would bring Principal Benjamin Arkin and Vice Principal Vlad Masters to talk to them. As Arkin was calming them down and vow to find out on why was this happening, VP Masters spark a riot when he started to blame Kamen Rider Lycan for all of these occurrences.

Vlad introduce a hero to stop the Rider. Kamen Rider Valkyrie, the Rider who was helping him.

At the Den, Rod was being crazy suspicious on both the Principal and Vice Principal showing up now since the school been overrun with Zodiarts and why would Valkyrie work with them?

Danny answer by telling them about Vlad being his greatest enemy as the Phantom as he has ghost powers like him and uses them as evil as Vlad Plasmius.

Danny and Vlad had their last battle when the Rich Man try to kill the Kid's family.

Danny: You can rip the ghost out of Vlad. But you can't rip the rich, creep, mom obsessive asshole out of him.

Danny captured Vlad's Ghost and locked it away in the Ghost Zone, making sure he can use it anymore.

"Doesn't stop him from being a Zodiart."

An alarm went off and Rod went to battle a Horoscope in the city who was flooded with police in search of Lycan.

He arrive at a building site where the Aries Horoscope and the Cancer Horoscope attacking him. Transforming into Lycan, he tried to finish the Crab monster, but it used its Last One and transform to a giant crab.

Valkyrie arrive in Lightning Hornet form and help the opponent defeat the Horoscope and watch Aries retreat.

Lycan gave the Rider a thumbs in time that The Pack and Lincoln's Sisters arrive at the place. happened. Sharp pain hit Lycan's chest follow by a strong blast. Falling to the ground and the armor vanishing, Roderick McMurray was dead.

The Pack and Loud Sisters seen the identity of Kamen Rider Valkyrie and the murderer, Ronnie Anne Santiago.

The Sisters of her Best Friend berate her, but didn't care as long the deal was done and walk off, even walking over Rod's body.

Ronnie visit Lincoln who was up. They share some happy moments till his sisters arrived. Lori pressed her Boyfriend's Sister on what she did and to tell Lincoln.

She finally did and Lincoln wasn't happy.

Lincoln: You killed my friend!

Ronnie: It was either him or you! You think I want to help that creep, Masters? But more people were going to be in that coma state. I saved my Best Friend. If that mean killing that nobody, so be it.

Lincoln: You may have saved me, Ronnie. But at the cost of killing my friend. I can't forgive you for that...

Ronnie Anne walked off.

Meanwhile at The Den, Jimmy was trying to heal Rod's deadly wound, but he wasn't coming back. He was gone.

But one person despite their differences decide to help Rod.


Transforming into the Aquarius Horoscope, she use her powers of healing wounds in his body. But he still wake up.

Jimmy hugs him and call the Hero his friend.


Rod sat up and smiled at the Boy Genius hugging him. Knowing that Lincoln was okay, he went to find Ronnie Anne who was on the roof of the hospital crying. He told her that he wasn't mad for what she had to do to save her Best Friend.

They teamed up to face the Aries Horoscope who vow to put the whole in a deep sleep. They defeat him, but before they found out who it was, Horobi attack the two and they disappeared.

Rod welcomes Ronnie to the Pack and the Den. Lincoln and her become friends again.

In Vladcorp, Vlad and his humanoid cat assistant, Kitty Kaswell who was Aries the whole time talk to Horobi, finding out why he save them.

Vlad says that he does what his master tells him to do, especially if he wants the upgrade he promised the Assassin.

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