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Madisyn Willow Halstead never imagined walking into the apartment to see her parents both crying as they held tight to each other.

"Mom? Dad?" She asked as she got closer, "what's going on?"

"Maddy," Jay started, breaking away from Hailey as he went to the 16-year-old girl that would no doubt be upset, "Okay. I'm going away for a while with the Army. Probably about 8 months, maybe more,"

"What are you talking about? You work right here!"

"I'm gonna be stationed in Bolivia,"

"No! You're a cop! In Chicago. Dad what is this?! Who even are you?! You're never home anymore! It's like you're just not here anymore!" She exclaimed, throwing her jacket and bag down and heading straight for her room.

"Give her a minute to breathe," Hailey told her husband, taking his arm as he started going after their daughter.

He nodded, going into his and Hailey's room to pack his belongings. As soon as that was finished, he went to Maddy's bedroom. He quietly knocked on her door, waiting a minute before opening the door.

"Hey, Mads,"

"I don't wanna talk about it. Please just don't leave," the girl sobbed, holding onto a blanket that she'd had since she was little.

"I have to Mad, I need this sweetie,"

"But you're just leaving me and mom here. P-lease daddy. Please don't go,"

The sobs of course broke his heart again. One time for Hailey and one time for Maddy. "It's only a little while, okay? I'm gonna come home,"

"You know you can't promise me that,"

"Maddy I'm so sorry honey," he sighed, pulling her in as tight as he could. "I love you so much,"

"I love you too," Maddy mumbled into his chest.


Hailey and Maddy returned to the apartment after a lot of tearful goodbyes.

"I'm just gonna go to bed,"

"Alright. Goodnight honey," Hailey nodded, watching Maddy wave as she disappeared down the hallway.

Maddy laid down on her bed and all she could do was cry. She already missed her dad more than she thought she ever could. She tossed and turned until around 11 that night before she got up and went to her parent's bedroom. Hailey was already in bed, but still awake and sighed as she saw Maddy in the doorway.

"Come here baby," she nodded, patting Jay's side of the bed. "Come sleep in here tonight,"

Maddy nodded and went over to Jay's side, laying down on his pillow. It didn't take long before Maddy was tearing up again, "I miss him so much, mom,"

"I know," she sighed, wrapping her arms around her crying daughter. "He'll come home baby,"

"What if he doesn't?"

"We aren't talking like that, okay? He's gonna come home to us," Hailey told her, reassuring both of them that Jay would be coming home.

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