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"She still sleeping with you?" Jay asked as Hailey pulled up to the district.

"Yeah, she stole your pillow," Hailey chuckled, putting the car in park before she got out. "Try and call her later?"

"I will," he sighed, "I love you,"

"Love you too"

With that, the couple hung up and Hailey headed up to the bullpen.

"Hey," Kim greeted the other detective as she came up.

"Morning," Hailey replied, pulling up the Find My app to make sure Maddy got to school.

"How you guys holding up?" She asked, keeping an eye on Jay's family for him.

"We're okay. Still getting used to not having him around. Maddy's trying to be okay, but I can tell she's not,"

"Poor kid. You?"

"I'm okay, same as Mads," she shrugged, starting the paperwork for the day.


"How you holding up?" Abby asked her best friend as they got into the locker room.

"Okay, I guess. As good as I can," she shrugged, changing into her practice wear. "I haven't really been able to talk to him much,"

"I'm sorry Mads,"

"It's okay. 232 days left give or take,"

Abby nodded as both of them threw their hair into ponytails.

Maddy was back at volleyball practice after school so she was there until around 4:30. She had texted Hailey that she was on her way home. She was a good driver so Hailey wasn't worried much about her, she just always wanted a text when she got home.

Maddy was crossing a stop light, when another car came barreling through, smashing her front fender and spinning her car.

Maddy was visibly shaken but not hurt, other than the shock as she got out of her car.

"Miss come sit down," an officer said as he came over to the young girl. "Are you okay?"

Maddy nodded, shaking as she started crying, "I n-need my m-mo-mom. She's CPD in-telling-gence"

"Okay. What's your mom's name?" The officer asked calmly, hoping the young girl would also calm down.

"Hail-Hailey Hals-stead, Upton" she corrected, still shaking.

"Do you know her call sign?"

"5021 Hen-Henry,"

"Okay. Just try and calm down," the officer told her before grabbing his radio, "2113, Inform 5021 Henry a car involved in accident is her daughters. Daughter is okay, just shaken up"

"Copy 2113,"


Hailey was sitting at her desk with her radio on the citywide channel when she heard it, "2113, Inform 5021 Henry a car involved in accident is her daughters. Daughter is okay, just shaken up,"

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