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"Madisyn what are you doing here?" Kevin asked, giving her no out as he took her to the charger.

"Kev I'm begging you. Please don't tell my mom!" Maddy said as she tried to walk backward and make Kevin understand what she was trying to ask.

"You know I have to Maddy," he said as he opened the passenger door, "Get in the car,"

"No, just let me go home," Maddy pleaded.

"Get in the car,"

"No!" She now snapped, not liking Kevin's face change.

"Madisyn Willow Halstead you get in this car or I will cuff you,"

Maddy huffed and sat in the passenger seat, crossing her arms and refusing to look at Kevin.

As soon as they arrived back at the district, Kevin took Maddy upstairs and sat her in one of the interrogation rooms.

"Hold on, what is Maddy doing here?" Hailey asked as soon as Kevin came back out to the bullpen.

"That undercover bust, college party. She was there, she smells like beer," Kevin told her, sitting across from her.

"My kid? She wouldn't do that. She's been home this whole time,"

"Her phone is at home," Kevin corrected. "Somethings going on here Hailey. She's rebelling,"

"No. She's fine, she's just dealing with Jay gone,"

"Regardless, I think you 2 need to talk,"

Hailey sighed and got up, going into the interrogation room that held Maddy. "What is going on with you?"

Maddy just scoffed, "Me? What's going on with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Where have you been mom? You're not home anymore. Ever," Maddy sighed, getting out of the chair.

"This about your dad? You know he had to go, Maddy,"

"Yeah but I have 2 parents. Not just him,"

"I'm struggling without your father, I expected you to act like an adult while he was gone. And this? This isn't what I need you to be doing,"

"I lost both of you when dad left and you're expecting me to be the adult?! Mom, I'm 16! I shouldn't have to be the adult! You and dad kinda left me in the dust! Dads just gone somewhere in freaking Bolivia and you're coming home after I'm asleep and gone before I even get up! We haven't spoken more than 3 words to each other in weeks!" Maddy snapped, trying to keep tears from falling. "I feel like I lost you and dad all in one, so don't tell me to be the adult here," she said before leaving the room. She found anywhere she could in the district to hide which happened to be a filing room and let the dam of tears spill over.

Trudy was usually in and out of the room and hadn't seen Maddy slip in, but as soon as she opened the door she heard the cries.

"Maddy?" She asked, coming around the corner to find the teen.

"I know I'm probably not supposed to be in here, but I just needed somewhere quiet," she said, letting out a sob.

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