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Trigger Warning ⚠️: Major depression, panic attacks, and a lot of tears.


Days went by with no answer from Jay to either Hailey or Maddy. Maddy was continuing to battle with her own emotions and insecurities as Hailey tried everything to help her. She'd gotten her an appointment scheduled with Dr. Charles but it wasn't for another week and Hailey was hoping they could hold out.

Every morning, Maddy cried. She wanted to talk to Jay and neither of them could understand why he wasn't answering. Both of their minds went to the worst.

What if he was injured?

What if he'd been killed and no one reached out to tell them yet?

Maddy had woken up upset after nightmares all night even though she'd been cuddled up to Hailey all night.

"I don't get it either baby, but he's okay. Keep believing that he's okay and he's coming home to us," Hailey told Maddy who was sobbing against her again.

"He's not answering!" She sobbed, throwing her phone across the room.

"Maddy you have to calm down baby," Hailey tried again, not wanting to call Will over again. "I know this sucks and it hurts but it's gonna be okay Maddy. We're gonna be okay,"

Maddy just kept crying and sobbing until she ran to the bathroom and emptied her stomach, absolutely wrecked from the past few days. The anxiety, the fear for her father, the anger that he left. Everything was coming all at once.

"Get it out baby," Hailey told her, rubbing her back until she calmed down.

"I'm gonna go for a walk," she mumbled, brushing her teeth before she left the apartment.

They lived in a pretty populated area but there were a few quiet places and that's where Maddy would go. When she saw Voight looking down at a grave. Maddy took a closer look at the headstone and saw that it was Alvin's grave.

"Finally facing what you caused?" she asked, getting the older man's attention.

"What are you talking about Maddy?" Hank asked the teen.

"Alvin took the fall for your crimes, and now my father is another one of those casualties, except he never let it get to the point where he died bc of you"

"Your father made his own choice to leave,"

"My father became you, and rather than you being the one to leave, he had to be the one to leave. You caused him to leave his own family! I had to go through the scariest time in my life without him. He wasn't there before my surgery when I truly needed him! He had to leave a few days after I got home from the hospital. You let my mother work herself to death to the point where I hadn't seen or talked to her for three damn weeks. Do you know how many times I had nightmares, only to wake up and see that neither of my parents was home to comfort me?" Maddy yelled, at the man she once considered to be a grandfather figure in her life.


"Why don't you just do us all a favor and leave CPD, let my mother be in charge, and when my father comes back he can run the unit? It'd be better for all of us if you'd just leave" Maddy said, interrupting him, and walking away.

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