Thank You!!

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We've come to an end and I have a few thank you's to post.

First of all, Brooke_McBride who has done some of the dialogue and gives me some of the best ideas. (Raider was all her idea, and Molly for that matter!). She's been one of my biggest supporters and helps a lot when I get stuck.

Ps. If you don't read her books⬆️ or hers ⬇️. What are ya doin'?! They're 2 of my favorite writers on this app! (Yes, I reread their stories a ton)

Second, upsteaddd3 who helped with a lot of the medical stuff at the beginning and has also been one of my biggest supporters. Just that has started a friendship and I'm really happy to have her!

Third of all, all of my regulars are amazing! Your comments and votes make my day better, even if I'm having the worst day.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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