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Hailey and Maddy woke up right around 10:30, watching TV for a little before they decided to get up and plan out what they were going to do. Maddy started to look up activities on her phone, while Hailey looked through the hotel's brochure.

"What about going to this park?" Hailey asked, sitting on the bed and showing Maddy the picture.

"What is it? A water park or something?" Maddy asked as she set her phone on the bed.

"Something like that," she nodded, picking up her phone to look at the website.

"Looks like fun. There's a hot tub that overlooks the beach," she shrugged, "I say let's go,"

"Alright let's go get some breakfast-"

"More like brunch," Maddy interrupted, looking at the time on her phone.

"Okay smart ass," she chuckled, "Move it,"

Maddy laughed and headed out, going to the elevator and down to the restaurant setup. They both went through the buffet line and got their food before they sat down at an empty table.

"Let's get a picture," Maddy chuckled, pulling her cell phone out and snapping a photo of her and Hailey.

"Always taking pictures," Hailey chuckled, taking a bite of her breakfast.

"One day there won't be a living person here to make the memories with so I take pictures," Maddy smiled, explaining as she put her phone away.

"Wow, Mads. That's a little deep," Hailey chuckled, hugging Maddy tightly. "Where'd that come from?"

"Well. One day dad was here and the next, he was in Bolivia," she shrugged, taking a sip of her drink.

"I guess," she sighed, "but he's coming home so,"

"Not the point mom," she mumbled, Can we talk about something else?"

"Like?" She asked.

"Can we get a pet?"

"That's random," she chuckled, eating more of her breakfast.

"Can we? So I'm not lonely when you work at night?"

"You make a good point,"

"I know,"

"I'll talk to dad about it," she nodded, "you ready to go?"

"Yeah let's go," she nodded, grabbing her plate and picking up their trash before they threw their stuff away.

They got back upstairs and got changed before they got in the rental car and headed out to the rental car. Hailey drove to the little park and they got in, going immediately for the hot tub.

"How's school?"

"Stupid. Sucks. School. The 3 S's"

"It can't be that bad Mads," she chuckled, ordering a whiskey sour for herself and a coke for Maddy at the swim-up bar.

"It is mom. It's like jail," she sighed dramatically, "it's so bad,"

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