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Maddy came out around 4 in the afternoon, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Hey sleepy head," Hailey smiled a little, " Sleep okay?"

"Yeah, I guess," She shrugged, sitting on the couch next to her mother.

"So I want to talk to you about something,"


"I found something in your room,"

"What?" She asked, looking at her mom for an answer.

"The letter you wrote to dad,"


"I wasn't snooping. It was on your dresser and I saw it," Hailey said, turning to her daughter, "Be honest with me. Do you trust your dad?"

"After this?" She sighed, "I don't know. I just don't know how I feel after he just up and left,"

"I know. It was hard for me too," She nodded, "But he came home. Twice now,"

"It's still hard mom. It still sucks and I don't know how to trust him after that night. I came home from school and poof. He was gone that night,"

"I know,"

She nodded and looked at her lap, not knowing what else to say.

"We just have to do your best,"


2 weeks later, they were packing for their mother-daughter trip to Daytona Beach.

"Maddy don't forget your chargers," she reminded her, knocking on her bedroom door.

"Already packed," she smiled, looking over her shoulder at her mother.

"How you gonna charge your phone tonight?"

"Dads charger,"

"That he took to Bolivia?" She chuckled, "Try again,"

"Dang it!" She chuckled, taking hers out of the front of her bag.

"Alright come on, we gotta get to bed. Flight is at 11:30 so I want to be there by 7. We gotta leave here by 6:30,"

"Did you have to book such an early flight?"

"That is not early! That's when you get up for school every day," Hailey laughed, getting into bed as Maddy set her bags by the door.

"Yeah, when I get up for school, not when I have to leave the house," she chuckled, getting into the bed with her mother.

"Fair but still. Think about how much fun you and I are going to have at the beach,"

"I'm just happy to get out of Chicago for a few days," Maddy smiled.

"Me too baby girl, me too," Hailey smiled, "night Maddy,"

"Night mama," she grinned again, rolling over and getting comfortable in the bed.

The night felt short as 5 AM came and both of them were shutting off their alarms with a groan.

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