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The next morning was rough, to say the least. Maddy was in a lot of pain and not hiding it as she held onto her mom. Jay was out of her room and searching for Dr. Rhodes, hoping to get his daughter some relief.

"I hear you, honey. I know it sucks," Hailey tried, holding Maddy as close as she could. "Try and go back to sleep Mads,"

"I just want to feel better," Maddy sobbed, laying back on her bed.

"I know, and you will, dads looking for your doctor now and hopefully he can give you something,"

Maddy just nodded with a little sniffle, watching as Jay came back into the room with Dr. Rhodes.

"Hey Maddy," The doctor greeted, putting on hand sanitizer and gloves, "I hear you're not feeling so great,"

"It really hurts," She nodded, holding onto Hailey's hand tightly.

"Alright. Let's take a quick look," He said before checking her EKG and then the incision, "You're due for some more meds in about 20 minutes, so just try and hold out for me, okay?"

"Okay," Maddy nodded, looking at Jay and Hailey who were also nodding.

"We'll stay right here," Hailey promised her, squeezing her hand.

"Sleep is going to be the best for her right now. I understand if it's a little hard right now with the pain but as soon as her meds start working, i'd say right to bed. As cliche as it sounds, rest is the best medicine and will be the best for her," The doctor explained.

"Thank you," Hailey nodded, sitting by the bed and continuing to hold Maddy's hand.

"I'll come back and check on you later," Dr. Rhodes promised, nodding before leaving the room.

Jay sat by Hailey, both of them hating to see Maddy feeling so awful. They did what they could to help her until the nurse came in and finally brought her some relief. Hailey played with her hair until she finally settled into sleep for a while.

"You tired?" Jay asked, watching as Hailey ran her hands over her face.

"I'm okay,"

"Hailey," he sighed, "Go home, take a shower, take a nap. I got Maddy for a little,"

"Jay please," Hailey started but was cut off by her husband.

"At least, lay on the couch for a little bit. Please?" Jay asked, pleading with her.

"You won't leave?"

"I'll be right here," He nodded, staying in his seat by Maddy's bed.

Hailey hesitated for a moment but nodded and went over to the couch and laid down while Jay watched Maddy. Sleep didn't come easy for Hailey but eventually, it did, leaving Jay smiling.


The team came by while both of them were still asleep almost 2 hours later, while Jay sat on his phone.

"Hey," Kim whispered, noticing both of them were asleep.

"Hey," Jay nodded, going outside the room so he wouldn't disturb the 2.

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