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Maddy dragged herself through the day, and it had been a long day of nothing but teachers ranting on and on about whatever lesson they were teaching. All she wanted to do was go home to her puppy.

As soon as the bell rang, she got out to her car and waited on Abby, taking her back to the apartment with her before they both split off and headed to their own homes right around 3:45.

"Molly," She called, locking the door behind her as the little furry feet came running her way. Maddy kicked off her shoes and sat on the floor, smiling as her pup came to her, "Hey girl,"

Molly barked and ran around sweetly for a minute before following Maddy to the kitchen.

Maddy made herself a glass of ice water, not realizing that one actually fell. Molly took it upon herself to clean it up and then looked up at Maddy as if she was asking for another ice cube.

"What? You want more?" Maddy asked, getting another ice cube from the freezer and giving it to Molly.

Molly ate it right up and looked up at her person with the cutest little look she could muster up. Maddy just chuckled and got several pieces from the freezer, putting them in her water bowl, "That's it, Molls, I gotta get some homework done,"

Maddy then grabbed her bag and phone, curling up on the couch to start her history assignment, but ended up checking her phone before she started. She didn't realize Jay had texted her but she was a little happy he did. She felt bad about how she reacted to the news but she hoped he knew it was the situation she was mad at.

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Maddy sighed and set her phone down, opening her book to start on her assignment

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Maddy sighed and set her phone down, opening her book to start on her assignment. Molly laid beside her with her head on Maddy's foot while the teen did her homework and occasionally pet the pup.

"I'm home," Hailey called, coming into the apartment and locking the door behind her. Molly jumped up and ran to greet Hailey, jumping at Hailey's feet until the woman started petting her, "Hi Molly,"

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