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After another week, Maddy had started to feel a bit more like herself and was staying up a little longer between naps. Her eating had gotten a lot better and she was eating more fruits and salads than soups as she had been.

Hailey took her to her doctor again and they did a few more tests. Hailey was able to return to work as long as Maddy had a place to rest near her and someone was always around. Maddy was also allowed to start working on schoolwork again, although she was not allowed to return to school.


The next morning Hailey's alarm went off at 6 AM for her to get up and shower while Maddy slept a bit longer. She put her hair up in her usual ponytail before going back to the bedroom to wake up her daughter.

"Mads, you gotta get ready. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Fruit bowl?" Maddy mumbled, still in her half-asleep state.

"Yeah, I'll put your favorites in," She nodded, leaning over to kiss Maddy's head. "Let's get moving,"

"Mkay," She sighed, carefully sitting up before she got out of bed.

Hailey went out and made her daughter the breakfast of her choice while the teen got ready for the day.

"Maddy, come on honey, we gotta get going!" Hailey called, walking toward the teen's room and knocking on the door, "Mads?"

Maddy opened her door in a new pair of leggings and a t-shirt but had obviously started crying.

"What's going on?"

"It makes me so ugly mom," She sniffled, pointing at her scar.

"Madisyn you are not ugly. You are my beautiful little girl and no scar is going to change that. The scar will heal and you'll get better but it's gonna take time," Hailey sighed, pulling Maddy into a tight hug as she cried for a little bit. "You are perfect just the way you are sweetie, no scar can change that one bit,"

"You think so?"

"I know so," She nodded, "Let's go eat and then we gotta get to the district,"

Maddy nodded and wiped her tears up, following her mom to the kitchen and sitting on the island. They both ate before getting in the car and heading off to the 21st district.

"Look whos up and walking!" Kevin grinned as Maddy and Hailey slowly came up the steps.

"Hey uncle Kev," Maddy smiled, hugging him as she got to the top of the steps.

"How you feeling?"

"Okay," She shrugged slightly, pulling back from the hug. "I just wanna sleep,"

"Go to the break room baby," Hailey nodded, handing the pillow to her daughter, "I'll be there in a minute,"

Maddy nodded and disappeared into the other room while Hailey talked with her coworkers for a second. She showed up in the room after a bit and saw Maddy already laying down, scrolling through TikTok on her phone.

"Alright baby, ready for a nap?"

"Mhm," Maddy nodded, shutting TikTok off and getting comfortable on the couch. Hailey spread her blanket over her, kissing her head before she left the room.

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