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Maddy had been practicing for weeks under close supervision from Hailey. She tried out for the soccer team and ended up making the JV team but she was happy to make any team.

After school and finding out that she had made the team, she stopped at the district and went right in.

"Hey Maddy," Trudy greeted her as she ran up the steps.

"Hey, Is my mom up there?" She asked, pulling her bag further up her shoulders.

"Yeah, go on up," she nodded, buzzing Maddy into intelligence.

Maddy smiled and headed upstairs looking around for her mom but just sat at Jay's desk.

"Hey Maddy moo," Kim smiled, noticing the young girl at Jay's desk, "Hail, Maddy's here,"

"Hey kiddo," she said as she came out and sat at her desk, "How was school?"

"Pretty good. Got an A on my Geometry test," she mentioned as she pulled out the paper, "oh, and. Ya know. Made the JV team!"

"You did?!" She asked, happily getting up to hug Maddy.

"I did!"

"That's amazing Maddy," she grinned, "I know it's not varsity like you wanted but you'll get it next year,"

"I know. I'm pretty happy with JV after having a hell of a year," Maddy smiled, hugging the rest of the team.

"When's the first game?"

"2 weeks," she smiled, handing them a schedule for the fridge, "Can you guys come?"

"Are you kidding kid, we wouldn't miss it," Adam told her, giving the girl a little side hug as he looked at the schedule.

"Thanks, guys," she beamed as she grabbed her things, "I gotta get home and give Molly some love,"

"I'll be home in a few hours," Hailey smiled, "be safe. Text me when you get home,"

"Okay. Love you," Maddy said before she kissed her mother's cheek.

"Love you too," Hailey said as she watched Maddy head down the steps and out to her car.

Maddy headed home, knocking on Abby's door before she headed up to her own place.

"Hey Maddy," Tina smiled, opening the door and letting Maddy come in.

"Hey T," she smiled politely, stepping into the apartment and taking off her shoes.

"Abby's in her room," she nodded, "You staying for dinner?"

"I can, I just have to go up and make sure Molly's okay," she told her.

"Bring her down here, we'd love to meet her. Abby has been talking about how cute all the pictures are,"

"Really?" She asked, "Are you sure it's okay?"

"Yeah," she smiled, "and tell your mom to just come here after work,"

"Okay, I'll be right back," Maddy nodded, slipping her shoes back on before she ran upstairs and unlocked the door, "Molly!"

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