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The rest of the week flew by and soon enough the whole team was at the airport and ready to head back home to Chicago.

"You have fun?" Hailey asked, looking over at Maddy as they waited in the terminal.

"I did. Thanks, mom. This was a lot of fun," She nodded, smiling at her mother appreciatively.

"I'm glad honey. I don't know about you but i'm ready to get home," She chuckled, looking over at Maddy before looking at the team who was also waiting for the plane to board.

"Me too, ready to sleep in my own bed," Maddy smiled, leaning her head against her mother's shoulder.

"You mean my bed?" Hailey chuckled, kissing the top of her head before they both turned back to their phones.

Soon enough, the plane was boarding, and Maddy and Hailey easily found their seats. They were lucky to all get a direct flight and would be arriving home in Chicago at 10:47 PM.

Maddy made sure to text Jay and tell him that they were on the plane and that she would text him when they arrived at home again. With no reply, Maddy turned off her phone and sat back as they sat and waited for takeoff.

The take-off was fine, and the first hour of their flight was nothing but smooth until they hit about an hour left. The turbulence was non-stop and it was honestly worrying Maddy a little.

"Mom, why is this happening?"

"I don't know honey. It's okay, we're almost home," Hailey told her, a little freaked out herself but trying to hide it from her daughter.

"I don't like this. We should've just driven,"

"You know flying is safer than driving honey, it's okay. Just close your eyes and try to relax. There's only a half hour left," Hailey told her, keeping Maddy as calm as she could.

Maddy couldn't help but freak out and eventually started having a panic attack.

"M-mom. I c-can-can't bre-athe," Maddy said as she started hyperventilating.

"Maddy," Hailey started, pushing her daughter forward and starting to rub her back. "Take a deep breath baby, in and out, just take a breath,"

"Hu-hurt-s," She sobbed, trying to do as Hailey said but she was struggling.

"I know it hurts honey but you have to try," She told her, slowly rubbing her back as Kim got a full water bottle for her.

"I-I c-can't" She sobbed again, trying to get the words out as the plane started to rock again.

"You can Maddy," Hailey told her, getting a bag and making her breathe into it. Maddy's breathing calmed down pretty slowly but she did, leaning back in her seat as Hailey watched her. "Better?"

Maddy just nodded taking deep breaths as Hailey opened the water bottle.

"Take a drink Maddy," She told her daughter, watching as the teen took a quick rink from the full water bottle, "There you go,"

Maddy nodded and wiped her eyes, now wiped out from the small panic attack.

"Why don't you sleep the rest of the flight," Hailey suggested, taking the water bottle after Maddy had taken a few sips.

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