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Hailey was kept out of the treatment room as they started running test after test on her daughter.

"Hailey?" Will asked, coming out as Natalie had told him that Maddy was in 7. "What happened?"

"I don't know. She went for a ball and never got up. Woke up one time in the ambulance and went right back out again," Hailey rambled, watching the treatment room.

"Did you tell them what happened last week? That may have something to do with this," Will asked.

"I knew I should've gotten her checked out but she insisted that she was fine," Hailey rambled again, trying not to get worked up, but getting worked up.

"Okay. Hey. I'll go in, see what I can learn, and come tell you. Sit down, take a few breaths,"

Hailey just nodded, sitting as Adam and Kevin finally arrived.

"We hear anything?" Adam asked, texting Kim that he was in the ER with Kevin, Hailey, and Maddy.

"Not yet. Will just went in to see what he could find out," she said, bouncing her leg as they waited. They both stayed beside their friend, knowing they were her only support right now besides Will and Kim.

"Hailey," Kevin nodded toward Will coming out and pulling up a chair in front of her.

"Okay. So. They're running some blood work and the echo right now, they have Dr. Rhodes in there with her and you know he's the best,"

"Hold on, he's - is something wrong with her heart?"

"We can't be sure until after the tests come back but it's possible. They're gonna do a chest X-ray in a minute and finish the echo and see what we can figure out," Will told her calmly, "have you called Jay?"

"I don't wanna call him unless it's something bad,"

"Hailey, this could be her heart. I'd call him,"

"Okay, but what if it isn't? I don't want to call him and have it be nothing," she sighed, still debating on even texting her husband that their daughter was in the ER.

"I hate to tell you, but I don't think it's nothing," Will sighed, looking at his sister in law, "At least text him that you guys are here,"

"Okay," she nodded, glancing at her phone before looking back at Will, "Can you go check on her?"

"Yeah, I'll be right back,"

Hailey nodded and pulled Jay's contact up as Will walked away. She knew he was probably busy and wouldn't be able to respond but at least he knew.

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