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The next morning, Hailey woke up at her usual time, and watch Maddy for a minute before she got up. Jay was already awake and had the coffee made, smiling as Hailey came out.

"Morning," Jay said as he pushed her mug of coffee toward her.

"Morning," she smiled lightly, taking a sip, "You sleep okay?"

"Yeah, we picked out a pretty comfortable air mattress. How was Mads last night?"

"Woke me up around 4 saying it hurt, but she was back out by 4:15," she sighed, "I hate seeing her in so much pain,"

"I know but hopefully it's what keeps her healthy in the long run," Jay smiled, kissing her head.


A few hours went by full of cleaning and Hailey even got a chance to look through some case files before Maddy finally woke up.

"Mom? Dad?" she mumbled from the big bed.

"Morning sleepyhead," Jay smiled, leaning down to carefully pull his daughter into a hug, "How do you feel?"

"Tired," she mumbled against him, "it hurts a little bit,"

"I'll go get your medicine," he nodded, heading out to the kitchen to retrieve the pill bottle for his child. "Sit up a little bug,"

Maddy nodded and sat up a tiny bit, barely making it off the pillows. Hailey made her some toast and gave her the plate, letting her eat before Jay gave her the medicine.

"What should we watch kiddo?" He asked, after giving her the medication.

"I don't know," she mumbled, pulling the blanket closer to her chin. "Can we watch a Christmas movie?"

"It's not even December yet honey," he chuckled, but pulled up their Hulu and found one he knew she liked. The next time he looked over, Maddy was sound asleep.

"She looks so uncomfortable," Hailey sighed, leaning against one of the doors.

"I know," Jay nodded, "she wanted to watch a Christmas movie and then passed out 10 minutes in,"

"Still holding her elephant,"

"I swore she gave that up," Jay chuckled.

"I don't think she ever did. Just sits it on her dresser," Hailey smiled, both of them going to the other room again.


Both of them were sitting on the couch when Maddy came out slowly, trying to do it on her own.

"Be careful honey, what are you doing up?" Jay asked, getting up to help her.

"I wanted water," she mumbled, going toward the kitchen but ending up on the couch.

"Dad can get it, you should probably stay in bed,"

"I'm tired of laying down," she mumbled, leaning against Hailey.

"I know honey but it's gonna help you more than anything. You'll feel better," Hailey told her as Jay sat on the other side of them.

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