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"Molly," Maddy giggled, holding the puppy over her face as Molly licked her.

"Aww that's cute," Hailey chuckled, waking up to Maddy and Molly playing quietly in the bed. Molly was running around the bed and back to Maddy, where she licked her face and ran around again.

"She's so cute mama," She chuckled, getting out of bed and starting to head out of the room. Molly stood at the corner of the bed and watched her, tilting her little head as Maddy looked back. "Come on Molly,"

"She might be scared to jump off Mad," Hailey said as she got up and gently set the puppy on the floor.

"Come here baby," Maddy smiled, squatting down until the puppy reached her and licked her face again as Maddy lifted her. "I love you,"

"She's perfect Maddy. I think she's what this place needed all along," Hailey said as she made the bed before finding an outfit for the day. "Go get ready for school,"

Maddy nodded and changed into her new outfit, coming out to the kitchen followed by a puppy. She fed Molly before making herself a bowl of cereal and one for Hailey too.

"Thanks, kiddo," she smiled, setting her stuff down on the counter.

They were both eating and getting ready to go before both of their phones pinged.

"Guess you're staying home today," Haiey chuckled, setting her phone down and checking her bag to make sure she had all of her things

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"Guess you're staying home today," Haiey chuckled, setting her phone down and checking her bag to make sure she had all of her things.

"You taking the truck?"

"I am," She nodded, grabbing the keys off the key rack. "You guys have fun, make sure you take her outside every few hours,"

"I will mama," She grinned, picking the little dog up, "We'll have a good time huh Molly?"

"Alright, love you kid," Hailey said before she hugged Maddy goodbye and headed out the door.

"Bye, love you," Maddy nodded, waving as Hailey left the apartment. She set Molly down and went to get some schoolwork so she could get some of the big projects at least started. She didn't like to just leave things to the last minute so she wanted to at least get started.

Molly played for a little bit on the floor while Maddy sat with her and started her book report on the coffee table. She didn't think anything of the puppy as Molly got in her lap and curled up while Maddy did her work. Maddy didn't want to move her at all so she just sat there and ended up finishing her report before she started on the next assignment.

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