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The next morning, Hailey was up and out of the room while Maddy slept in a little bit.

Will came in just as she was waking up, noticing the look on her face.

"Hey kid," he whispered, setting a cup of water down on her tray table.

"Mm," she mumbled, keeping her eyes closed as he came in.

"You feeling okay?" He asked, looking at the teen as he sat down.

"Mm," she mumbled, shaking her hand in a way to say 'So-so'.

"You got a headache?" He asked, trying to get a read on how she was feeling and she was giving him answers so he kept it up.

"Mhm," she said as she tried to roll over slowly.

"You want some ice?" He asked, helping her get cozy before tucking her in.

"Yes please," she mumbled again, pulling the blanket up as high as she could.

"I'll be right back," he nodded, leaving the room and nearly running into Hailey.

"She awake in there?" She asked, looking at her brother in Law for an answer.

"Yeah, she's up. She wanted ice, so I'll be right back," he told the woman before heading that way.

"Thanks, Will," she smiled a little before heading into the room.

Will went and got the ice, bringing it back to the room as Hailey was messing with her hair.

Once he was back in the room, she got up and got Maddy's stuff, turning to Will.

"I'm gonna run home and get her something to wear home. Are you able to stay with her?" She asked, hoping he'd be able to take a small break and hang out with his niece.

"I should be able to," he nodded, sitting back in the chair he'd been in before.

"Thanks, I'll hurry," she nodded, grabbing her keys and Maddy's soccer bag to take home.

Will just nodded and stayed next to Maddy while Hailey ran home.

Jay had called Hailey to talk to Maddy but when she told him that she was heading home to get Maddy's pajamas, he called wills phone.

"Hey Jay," he answered quietly, getting up so he wouldn't wake Maddy up.

"Hey. How's my girl? She okay?" He asked immediately.

"Yeah, she's just sleeping. Mild concussion, mostly from breaking her fall with her head," he told her, standing barely outside the doorway as Maddy was starting to move around. "She's waking up, do you want to talk to her?"

"Yeah if she feels like it," he nodded, waiting as Will asked the teen. Maddy said yes almost immediately as she never wanted to give up time to talk to her dad.

"Hi dad," she mumbled, holding the phone to her ear.

"Hey, sweetie. How you feeling?"

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