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The next morning, Hailey woke up and quietly got out of bed while Maddy slept. She and Kim were planning on going to the gym downstairs while Adam stayed with Makayla. Maddy was okay on her own with the door locked.

Hailey got changed and wrote her a quick note that she was downstairs in the gym and she had her phone.

Maddy didn't wake up to the door shutting, just snuggled more into the covers. She hadn't been sleeping the greatest at home so to see her sleeping at the hotel, Hailey was happy.

Hailey and Kim met up outside the elevator, heading downstairs to go to the gym in the hotel.

"Maddy still sleeping?" Kim asked, hoping the teen would come and walk with them a little bit.

"Yeah, she was out when I left. I'm shocked that I haven't gotten the 'Where are you?' text yet," Hailey chuckled, "She probably won't even know I left,"

"So recovery is going well then?"

"Yeah, she's bummed that she won't get to finish the volleyball season but made her new goal to make varsity soccer. I just hope she gets cleared. Lately, its been 1 step forward and 3 steps back,"

"Poor kid. You can tell she's trying," Kim mentioned as they got out of the elevator.

"I know she is,"

They both worked out a little before they headed back up to the rooms. As they both predicted, Maddy was still sound asleep in the bed.

The plan for the day was to go to the aquarium and visit the Daytona speedway. None of them were really into racing but it was an experience for all of them.

Everyone got up and got ready a little after 9, going down to have a quick breakfast. They then piled into the rental SUV and all headed to the Daytona Speedway.

The tour was awesome and they were able to go on the track and attempt to climb up the banking for which Maddy held Makayla's hand and helped her up. Hailey and Kim took pictures of both of their girls, waiting for them to get down and come back to the golf cart.

"My calves hurt," Maddy chuckled, sitting back down by her mother again.

"That was probably the most exercise that they've had since before your surgery," She smiled, pulling Maddy close to her.

"Probably," She agreed, smiling as they continued the tour.

They were able to walk around the museum a little before they headed off to the aquarium. They had a lot of fun jamming out to random music in the car with all of them piled in.

"Where are we going now?" Makayla asked, sitting in the middle row of the car with Maddy.

"The aquarium," Maddy smiled, getting on Snapchat and playing with the filters with Makayla.

"Do you think they have sharks?"

"Probably," the teen nodded, looking over at Makayla again after she texted Abby.

"I'm sure they do Mak," Adam chuckled from the front seat.

They soon pulled into the parking lot and all went in and got their tickets. Adam and Kim were okay with Makayla and Maddy going off on their own as long as Makayla promised to stay with the teen.

They went off and had to go see the sharks first while the adults just walked around.

"Mak is convinced that Mads is the best person ever. I've been replaced," Adam joked, faking a tear.

"Oh shut up," Kim chuckled, swatting his arm.

"Maddy loves her, says she's like a little sister," Hailey smiled, watching as the 2 girls headed off.

"Yeah, I think she'll be the only one so it's good to have Maddy around,"

"I thought you guys would've had another," Kevin nodded, agreeing with Hailey.

"We're still thinking on it but with work, who picks up Mak is sometimes hard,"

"Maddy can at least until soccer season," Hailey offered.

"She'd be okay with that?"

"As long as she is cleared to drive at her appointment next week, I'm okay with her driving. And I'm sure she'd love to pick up Mak if you guys can't,"

"That would be a game changer," Adam nodded.

"I'm sure she'd love it,"


A/N: Another short chapter! Sorry guys! The week got away from me! If y'all have any ideas for this story, let me know!

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