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Maddy slowly worked her way back to being able to live her normal life. She wasn't quite ready to go back to volleyball or drive but she was ready to start going back to school. She was still in the process of playing catch-up with her assignments but was determined to move grades with her original class. Almost all of her teachers were willing to work with her, except one, and she was planning on spending what would be volleyball practice time in a few teacher's rooms, doing the work and getting the help she needed.

The first day back, Hailey parked the car giving Maddy ample time to get her things and head in. She was nervous for her child, especially the insecurity of the scar, peeking out of her T-shirt.

"How do you feel? Ready?" Hailey asked, looking over at Maddy as she checked her book bag.

"I don't know. Ready for normalcy I guess," Maddy shrugged, watching the cars pull in and out of the parking lot.

"Baby, look here," Hailey told her, grabbing both of her hands as Maddy looked at her. "You are no different than the day of that game,"

"What does that mean?"

"You're still Maddy. You're still beautiful. And smart and kind. No one should treat you any differently because this happened, and if they do, it's on them. You are still Madisyn, a scar will never change that,"

"Thanks, mom,"

"Go get 'em," She smiled, reaching over the console to hug Maddy tightly, "I love you,"

"I love you too mama," Maddy grinned, hugging her mother tightly before grabbing her bag. "Bye, mom,"

Maddy smiled a little as she got out of the car and headed into the school. Abby was waiting at the door for her, making the teen immediately relax a little. She knew her best friend had her back.

"How are you feeling?" Abby asked as they both walked into the school.

"Every day it gets a little better," she shrugged, walking up the steps to their lockers, "Sad my dad had to go back but it's only a few more months,"

"You can still talk to him right?" Abby asked, grabbing books.

"Yeah sometimes. It kinda depends on the day and what he's doing. When he can get to his phone. Stuff like that. Sometimes it's 5 PM, sometimes it's 3 AM," she shrugged, also getting books from her locker.

"I'm glad you're back though. It was boring without my partner in crime,"

"I was getting bored at home. You have no idea how happy I was when my doctor said I could come back,"

"Your mom text you yet

Maddy chuckled as she tapped her phone to see a picture of her and her parents, "Nothing yet. I'm sure she will. I could tell she was nervous this morning,"

"Mine would definitely be the same way," Abby nodded.

"I think she was more nervous than I was. She parked the car in a spot and asked me how I felt about it,"

"At least we have moms that care,"

Maddy chuckled a little as she nodded while both of them walked to class. Maddy could tell people were eyeing the scar and zipped her jacked up a little more to hopefully hide it a little better.

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