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Saturday was not a fun day by any means. Jay was leaving again and Maddy was having a very rough time saying goodbye. She'd been crying a lot of the day when she wasn't looking at the clock to see how long they had left.

"I promise you bug, I'm coming back," Jay told her, hugging her close once again.

"You can't promise that!"

"Maddy don't get worked up baby," Hailey warned, knowing she was heading that way with one little snap.

"Mama he's leaving again!"

"I know. But he'll come home to us," she assured her, "We're gonna be okay,"

"Maddy I know this is tough but we just have to get through a few more months and it will all be over. Next time I come home, you'll be on your feet,"

"Okay," She nodded, wiping a few more tears that had fallen.

"I love you so much,"

"Love you too," She mumbled, keeping herself snuggled up in Jay's hug.

It was only 7 PM and Kim was coming around 8:30 so Hailey could take Jay to the airport.

"Come on, one more movie," He told her, taking her and Hailey to the couch and finding a short movie for the 3 of them to watch.

Maddy sniffled through some of it before she fell asleep, clutching Jay's shirt like a toddler.

Kim came over around 8:15 and smiled sadly as she saw Maddy sleeping against her father. She knew him leaving again was going to be a hard pill for the teenage girl to swallow.

"How's she handling all this?" Kim asked as she and Hailey stood at the island.

"She's really upset. And i'm trying not to let her stress but she is, and it's not good for her right now,"

"Yeah," Kim nodded solemnly, knowing this was all hard for the family.

"Thanks for coming over. I didn't want to take her with us, but I didn't want to leave her here alone,"

"I get it," She nodded, "I'll take some lowkey time with her. My kid keeps me on my toes and shoots me with a nerf gun,"

Hailey chuckled a little, "I remember that age,"

"It's something," Kim smiled, going to the living room to see Jay, "How much longer until you come home for good?"

"6 months or so. Counting down by the minute," Jay sighed, playing with Maddy's hair as she slept against him.

"Coming back to CPD?"

"I don't know, maybe," He shrugged, looking at Hailey as she got her wallet and keys. "Should I wake her up,"

"She'll want to say goodbye," Hailey nodded sadly.

Jay nodded and slowly moved, waking Maddy right up from her nap. "Sorry bug. I gotta go,"

"No dad, please stay," Maddy looked up at him with tears already in her eyes.

"I'm sorry honey, you know I can't," He sighed, hating that his daughter was crying again. "It won't be much longer and I'll be home for good,"

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