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A few weeks had passed by and Jay had gotten his job back with the CPD. He had taken the sergeants exam and was now the sergeant of the organized crime unit where he was before intelligence. He and Maddy were still on shaky terms but both of them were working on it and it seemed to start heading in the right direction.

Maddy was at school and had found out that she had failed yet another test. The teacher also added the embarrassment of having her parent sign it which she'd gone to Hailey for every time. Jay had no clue she was failing the class as he'd heard from Maddy, she was doing okay with her math.

"Mom?" Maddy asked, coming around the corner later that evening as she "remembered" that she had to get the test signed by Hailey. She just needed to make sure Jay was still at work so he wouldn't know that she was lying to him.

"Yeah?" She asked from the couch where she was reading a book. Molly was laying on Hailey's lap, knawing on a bone while Hailey pet her gently.

"Where's dad?" She asked, looking around as she sat down, also petting her dog.

"Still working, said he'll be home soon," She said as she finished the page and closed her book, "What's going on?"

"I need you to sign this," She said as she handed her the test with another big, red F in the corner.

"Maddy," She sighed, taking the pen that Maddy had gotten out of her backpack, "What is going on?"

"I don't know," She shrugged, watching as Hailey signed the paper.

"Well, we need to figure it out, because this is the third one that you've failed,"

"Thanks for the reminder Mom," She sighed.

"Don't get smart with me Madisyn," Hailey told her as she handed the test back to her.

"Sorry," She mumbled, "I'm going to watch a movie and go to bed. You coming, Molly?"

Molly jumped off the bed and followed Maddy to her room, both of them getting in her bed and settling in to watch a movie before bed.

Jay got home a little bit later, letting Raider off the leash before he sat down with Hailey.

"So Maddy brought me another failed test to sign. What are we going to do about her failing math?" Hailey asked looking over at him as he sat down.

"What do you mean? She says she's doing well in all of her classes" He asked, looking over at Hailey confused.

"Is that what she's been telling you?"

"Yeah, she never mentioned failing any tests, just that she was doing fine," He shrugged, taking a pull of the beer he'd just opened.

"Jay she's failed the last three tests. She's failing math as a whole," She sighed, not realizing that Maddy hadn't told him.

"So she lied to me," He nodded, "Where's she at?"

"Her room," Hailey told him, knowing immediately that he was going to talk to her.

Jay nodded and got up, walking down the hall to Maddy's room and shutting off the TV

"Dad, what are you doing? I was watching that!" She asked, sitting up to look at her father.

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