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I couldn't wait to update so I decided to do it early! Let me know what you all think!!
Huge thank you to upsteaddd3!!!for the extra information on Maddy's condition and recovery!! Make sure you go read the Upstead Comfort Fics!!! They're amazing!!


The day had finally arrived and to say Maddy was terrified was really an understatement. She was scared out of her mind. They'd tried calling Jay a few times but no answer, so at this point, it just wasn't happening. Hailey knew why he wasn't answering since he was on the plane home, but she couldn't let on that she knew.

"You're gonna be fine Bug," Hailey reassured her, squeezing her hand. "I love you, and I'm gonna be right here when you wake up,"


"Of course baby," Hailey nodded as dr Rhodes came in.

"You all ready Maddy?"

"No," she mumbled, watching the nurse come around to get her IV ready to move.

"You're gonna do great. Tell mom you'll see her later," he told her, letting Maddy sit up and hug Hailey tightly.

"I love you Bug,"

"I love you too mommy," she mumbled, already letting a few tears fall.

"You're gonna be fine, I'll be right here waiting okay?" Hailey told her, looking right into her eyes.

Maddy nodded and laid back, squeezing Hailey's hand one more time.

Dr. Rhodes and the nurse rolled the bed out, leaving Hailey alone in the room.

As soon as Maddy was out of sight and she let herself slouch against the wall and let the tears fall. Trudy came up and knocked on the door, crossing the room to hug the blonde.

"She's gonna be fine," Trudy told her, holding onto Hailey as she cried.

"She was so scared and I had to tell her that she'd be fine even though I'm not even sure," she sobbed, pulling back from Trudy.

"Hailey, she's gonna be okay. She's your kid. You guys have raised her to be one of the strongest kids I've ever met,"

Hailey nodded, "Thank you, for being here,"

"Everyone is. All in the waiting room."

Hailey nodded and wiped her stray tears, going out to wait with the rest of her friends. Trudy held her hand the whole time they waited, getting updates from Will as the surgery went on.

Around 3:45, Dr. Rhodes came through the doors with a pretty noticeable smile.

"Hailey," he said as he came over, getting her attention, "she's in recovery. She did amazing,"

"Is she awake?"

"Not yet. It'll be a few hours and she'll be intubated all night so her body can recover a little bit from this," he explained, "I'll have a nurse come and get you when we have her in her room,"

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