4- This New Fixation Of Mine

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-----Fluff, I'm just messing with you for now (📌also small TW) -----

-Wilbur's POV-

I have never realized how much I love gardening. It's a simple, yet complicated process of trying and trying until you finally grow something on your own, even a simple little sapling of nothing but green, it brings a smile to my face, just because of how much it's really worth.

And you cannot imagine how genuinely wide my smile got when,,, months later, that same weak little sapling, grew up to be a beautiful little civilization of more saplings, some bigger than others, some close to each other, others alone, all of them getting sun and water properly, so they can grow into organic goods, ahhhh, I was getting the hang of it pretty quickly.

It reminded me a lot of today's society, how most of us are in groups, some small, some tall, some bulky some frail, but all of us are growing, some might grow at different speeds than others, but that's the fun of it! Encouraging yourself to keep growing and growing, that's all someone could ever ask for. Some sun, some water, and some nice dirt to sit down on. And Wilbur got to see it all, every day, working in Tommy's garden, turning it into his little kindom.

Speaking of Tommy, the blonde finally set a job that he liked in a nearby café, the one I had previously gone to to buy some coffee. I didn't think much of it, because it was relatively close, and I had chatted with the owner a couple of times, she was really sweet. A small independent woman, her name was Niki, I believe, we got along pretty well.

Her eyes reminded Wilbur of taffy and her hair of cotton candy. She was well spoken, with a sweet german accent. Such a good lady, Wilbur thought to himself, Tommy would do just fine, what could possibly go wrong with that kid either way?

Back to the subject, I've gotten some gardening supplies recently, like gloves and a shovel, because let's be honest, gardening is so much easier with them, imagine having to dig small little holes to throw little seeds in with a plastic cup, it was bound to snap in half at some point, so I had enough, talking from personal experience, as always.

As I was working, my mind linkered back to the kittie, Jambo, and his owner,,. Eh, what was his name..... He must have told me, but I didn't quite catch it.. DAMMIT, I didn't even ask for his name?! What's wrong with me?

I sighed in defeat, continuing on to work on the garden I now claimed as my own, because quite frankly? Tommy wasn't even taking care of it much, I'll enjoy seeing him suffer when I'm long gone, begging me to tell him how to grow a simple tomato.

___________________Time skip_____

-Anonymous POV?- (📌TW description of someone burning their hand accidentally!!📌)

I was too busy talking, talking on the phone with my father, because he usually calls me in the worst places possible, where I'm practically on the run and I have to be quiet.

"Yeah dad! I'm fine! I told you, I have to go back to work now! See you!" I laughed, closing the call on his face before rushing to the back, looking around the cabinets. Nope, where the hell did I put it!? I remember it was in here somewhere.

I scoff, tossing the hat that held my hair back a bit aside, starting to look around better, which was very foolish of me, because the second I get up and run to the counter, I don't see shit with my hair, spilling boiling hot chocolate over my hand! And shit did it hurt like a bitch.

"NIKI!" I cry out for my manager, I'm darn lucky the customers can't hear me, because I'm busting my vocal cords out by the millisecond. I can feel my skin burn, boil and sizzle, it makes me wanna pull on my hair so hand I won't be able to feel the pain on my hand, my eyes water, as I see Niki, or Nihachu, my manager, burst in the back room, immediately springing into action and putting my hand under the tab, letting the cool water run down my skin, making me cry out and cover my mouth shut with my palm.

(📌end of TW)

"Tommy I told you to be careful with the chocolate, please be careful!" she sighed silently, her calmness cooling me down a little, as I wipe the tears off my red cheeks.

She wrapped my hand loosely with a spare cloth, taking a deep breath and looking up at me, I was about to get ✨scolded✨

"I'm so sorry Niki, it won't happen again." I promised, thanking her so so so so much, to try and save myself from most of the yelling.

"Do you think you'll be able to work? Or should I tell Jack to take over?" she hummed, crossing her arms, god, she can be intimidating sometimes, but I wasn't expecting that.

Jack's a pretty cool dude, I wouldn't mind, really, but it's my duty to survive this shift, and I'll do it whether I want to or not!

"Nono, I'm fine, I'll go continue right now!" I said, trying to go right back to my counter, but Niki stopped me, oh no.

"Hold on mister, I need to bandage that up." oh, yeah, I can't be serving customers with a cloth we use for cleaning the dishes with wrapped around my hand.

I nodded, giving her my hand reluctantly, as if she was gonna chop it off or something, which she wouldn't, she loves me, I mean, who wouldn't?

She then reached for the first aid kit, opening it carefully and taking out the bandages from it, slowly removing the cloth over my hand. Swiftly, the bandages were wrapped around the burn mark, and she gave me the ok to go work, phew!

What the hell would I do without her?!

Also, what was I looking for? Oh! Yeah, a spare jar, I broke the last one trying to capture Shroud 4.0,, my bad-

I really REALLY need that spider, 5th times the charm?



________short chapterrrr, end!____

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