10- My Trust In You

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-Schlatt's POV-

I shivered slightly, as I could still clearly see the figure watching up, gripping onto Wilbur's hand before reluctantly switching the road we were walking on.

"Schlatt, you're acting weird, is everything alright?" he asked me again, though my lips curled into a smile. I nodded gently, kissing the other's cheek, before hugging his waist tightly.

"Wanna go back now? It's getting pretty cold, and we both finished our coffee." I hummed, watching as the Brit sighed, his breath withering our of his mouth, blowing it around as if it was cigar smoke.

"Alright alright, let's go." he finally broke, turning around to walk back the road we came from, so I quickly stop him.

"Nono, let's go from this road, it's super slippery from where we came from, a little more walking is no harm, right?" I rushed to explain.

"Schlatt! Are you sure you're alright? You're acting so nervous!" he snapped at me, making me pull back, pretty surprised by his tone.

"I- Schlatt- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." Wilbur apologized, reaching out and taking my hands in his, holding them close to his chest, rubbing my knuckles oh so sweetly. I just couldn't get mad at him, so I smiled warmly.

"It's fine, just- let's go through this road, please?" I asked, now, this is probably me guilt tripping this man, but I'm doing it to keep us safe, so he better not comment on it.

"Alright, yes, let's go." he finally agreed on, holding me close, kissing my cheek sweetly and taking me by the arm, walking along with me back home.
__________________Time skip_____

We finally made it back to the house, my relief was unexplainable.

I hugged Wilbur tightly, pulling him on the living room as I backed up a little, sitting down back on the couch with him.

"Hey hey, what's with all the touchyness all of a sudden, hun?" he asked me, planting a playful kiss to my temple, his arms resting childishly on my shoulders.

"Mmmm, wanna sleep again or should we find something to do?" I hummed, leaning closer and stealing a peck from the Brit's lips, cupping his face and stealing another, short one.

"Nahhh, no more sleep, let's watch a movie or something, Tommy's upstairs so he won't bother us." he purred, and I hummed, getting up and rushing to the kitchen, all while instructing Wilbur on what film he should put on for us to watch.

I grabbed two fancy glasses of wine, aswell as a pretty small bottle of it, and walked right back to the couch, sitting down besides him and grabbing the blanket we left here earlier, covering us both.

"Mm? Wine?" he chuckled quietly, looking over to me and kissing my forehead, wrapping his arm swiftly around my waist, pulling me closer, on his body, my chest pressed firmly against his, I blush as discreetly as possible.

"Yes wine, we haven't drank any, and I bought you this one a month ago!" I snarled, Wilbur rolling his eyes and popping thr bottle open, putting us both some wine, before lightly clashing his glass against mine. "Cheers." he both hummed, curled up like penguins on one another, just as the movie started, sipping on the wine lazily.

-Anonymous POV-

I remember that one night vividly, when I accidentally targeted a man who had a bounty on his head. It was a pretty silly mistake I made in the start of my slaughtering spree, all the way back in 2000.

ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ 1999 (ˢᶜʰˡᵃᵗᵗᵇᵘʳ) Where stories live. Discover now