29- A Small Note For Us

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----🙆Don't know what to say here📌DESCRIPTION OF BEING TASED, YELLING, um FACE SLAP, HONESTLY PHIL IS KINDA BAD HERE📌 ALSO I MADE A PLAYLIST ON SPOTIFY FOR THE FIC IF YOU WANNA LISTEN TO IT C: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/15XWHV0byh5uPkZkZoSDtp?si=dafmP4ztRfKRUUMyq2GpGQ&utm_source=copy-link----

-Schlatt's POV-

I feel weird staying in the Eret household. I can't get out, because I'll instantly get recognized, and I'm so scarily close to my own house I can practically see Wilbur walk in and out of it everyday. I can actually see him daily, he seems to be taking care of my cat well, so I don't mind.

Why would I? The fact that he even thought of going back to our house, even if I betrayed him? I'm glad he doesn't hate me enough to burn the place down and steal my cat.

Besides stalking Wilbur, I was being as productive as an isolated man can really be. And you can pretty much do anything with an unlimited internet access at hand.

So I began searching, and oh boy I searched alright- I found everything I needed to know about my Father, which was surprisingly easy through Eret's old crappy phone. I can't just have mine back!

First of all, yes, Father got himself involved with some business he wasn't supposed to, and secondly, he ain't getting out anytime soon to find me, so I'm fine. Phew.

Though, I started to think about what I was to do.. Well, obviously I can't stay here forever, I don't want to bother Fundy and Eret anymore, so I've tried looking for a way to- essentially, get out of the country.

It's not something I want to do, but I don't have any other choice! Everyone is looking for me!

I found out that our poor personal doctor, Ase, was up and running again after their short time off, so I was able to contact him and plan some stuff out. She offered to come help me get outta here, so I'm supposed to meet up with the other's to tell them about it.

The rusty old communicator I have is dying on me, so I probably need to go back to the HQ anyways to fix it, everything can work out if we can find a way for me to get away.

I'm sure nothing can go wrong!
_____________Small Time Skip____

I'm sure nothing can go wrong!_____________Small Time Skip____

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"You're WHAT."

"Phil, look, we both know I can't stay here for that long, they are going to find me, and I've already sorted things out with Ponk."

"YOU'VE TALKED WITH ASE?! God dammit, Schlatt, first you get my family in trouble, then my son gets killed and I have to help you outta jail because you're being charged with his murder, and NOW you're LEAVING?! What am I gonna do with Wilbur Schlatt?" barked Phil right up in my face angrily, he almost looked ready to attack me.

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